***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Was clearing out my photo album here on BYC and found this picture of my Modern Bantam boy, I just adore this boy.
There's 2 eggs from his and his black birchen girl set to hatch Wed. His name is Spiderman but I call him Spidey. He's the one who's so wonderful to his hen.
OMG Kass I loved this video!! I was laughing so hard at that little splash chick. Kept looking at everyone like "how are you doing that?". Then when it finally got one it sure didn't take long to run back over!! Now I gotta tell myself I really do not need bugs, really do not need bugs!

Congrats on the baby!
Can't wait to see the video!

I am so sorry for your loss. It is hard to loose any of them but the ones we help out are even harder I think. I am still learning on this incubator thing so I think I will go with chicks for the rare breeds I am wanting. Unless I can find someone near me in Tecumseh who is comfortable setting the eggs and more experienced than me!

I hope you feel better soon! That's just not fair to get sick on a day off!!!
You should file a formal complaint! With whom I have no idea but it would make you feel better. LOL

I sure hope Bitsy gets to feeling better. And NanaKat not being able to have caffeine in the morning is against the law in many states! You should check if OK is one of them. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

Oakieridge I would seriously stay on whoever is in charge of keeping those wolves secure. Your kids riding their bikes could easily trigger the prey response. I know people raise them and that is their right but I do not believe they should be able to within family or any kind of a residential area. Just my opinion.

Please tell me, how the heck are you posting here and picking up my child???? LOL Glad you have him today, me and the teen set at our house are not getting along this morning, lol.
Was clearing out my photo album here on BYC and found this picture of my Modern Bantam boy, I just adore this boy.
There's 2 eggs from his and his black birchen girl set to hatch Wed. His name is Spiderman but I call him Spidey. He's the one who's so wonderful to his hen.
Love these birds,just had a hatch due this week,but alas none of my modern eggs are hatching........sad sad
I'm positive it wasn't your fault. To have that many eggs and only *1 make it to a few wks and then die? That was something beyond your control. Shipped eggs are always a gamble. I think people blame the post office a lot when in reality it's a combination of everything, not just the PO. It's very possible lots of them weren't even fertile. Betsy is going to be at POOPS I believe,she's got nice quality Silkies, I have 2 of hers and Robin has had some, great temperaments. Was it one of the Lav Ams that had loose stools? These 3 here are fine so I'm sure it was just the stress of moving and the food change, being exposed to other chicks, etc. I'm loving these Lavenders, compared to the bigger Ameraucanas they're so much calmer. I ended up separating them because they kept getting ran over. These Dark Brahma girls are like bulls in a china shop.
Not too late for a turner at all. I spent the extra money to get a turner for my Brinsea incubator and am glad I did. I'm not so sure 3-4 times a day is enough turning although there's some that claim they don't turn at all.

Oh no it wasn't one of the chicks you gave me. It was one of my blues I hatched out. I had 3 hatch and that one seemed a little weak and the pasty butt started. But now i got the vitamins in and it seems fine. More active. Well the Lav Ams you gave me are too funny and they are calm too. I had to look for one this morning it got out of the brooder while I was getting ready for school. It was hiding under the lip of the pool. When i went to grab food and all of them came running the Lav popped its little head up. Cracked me up. I really need to build a better brooder because the AMs are flying up over the chicken wire. Little boogers.
Was clearing out my photo album here on BYC and found this picture of my Modern Bantam boy, I just adore this boy.
There's 2 eggs from his and his black birchen girl set to hatch Wed. His name is Spiderman but I call him Spidey. He's the one who's so wonderful to his hen.

Look at those long legs! Makes me think of the Roadrunner on Luney tunes haha.
Mitzi, please don't let Nathanael see this bird!!! The boy is bantam crazy!!! He now has a little roo from Carl, a little roo/hen set from Carl, a BB red roo, and two modern game bantam roos from an auction back in December. The kid has them SPOILED!!!! The red one starts chattering in his cage as soon as he hears Nathanael's voice. His little pair he has them coming to the front of the cage to be picked up when they see him. He thinks he needs one in every color, lol.
Wanted to pass along to those of you whom know Teach, he will not be making the Poops this time, I talked to him this morning and he says he has a Prom that night and won't be able to come, he and his family are well, the tornadoes missed them out there, he will be moving this summer to his new job in Texas, I wish him and his family well, I for one will miss him and some of the other old timers at the Poops this time, I wanted to pass along also that we weathered the storm with minor damage, had a dead tree fall on my tailgate of my truck, nothing major, some stuff blown around the yard! I am excited for Poops! I do plan to be there but as things go my wife may have to work, we will see how that works out, I plan on coming and enjoying myself!!! Hope to see everyone there ,old and new!!!! Lynn
Custard is finished, baby NN are out in the sun enjoying life, took some pics of more iris that bloomed today and some beautiful butterflies (I'll post some later today) now guess I need to go plant some seeds. Need to finish up on the garden, and I've got an herb bed and some flower beds to work on. Got several types of flower seeds in a swap, I've been googling them to see where they need to go, some are going in the garden others up by the house.

Okla the cool black and white bean seeds you sent are up and looking good (purple hyacynth right?) I think a few vining okra too. Still waiting on the caster bean to come up. I have a few left think I'm going to plant a few on the front fence line.

Those that know iris, do I need to wait until fall to move them??? There are one batch I would really like to move now, they are through blooming, I meant to move them earlier this spring, before the bulk of the garden stuff needed to be done, but since our winter was basically spring I've been busy w/ the garden and didn't get the iris moved.
Wanted to pass along to those of you whom know Teach, he will not be making the Poops this time, I talked to him this morning and he says he has a Prom that night and won't be able to come, he and his family are well, the tornadoes missed them out there, he will be moving this summer to his new job in Texas, I wish him and his family well, I for one will miss him and some of the other old timers at the Poops this time, I wanted to pass along also that we weathered the storm with minor damage, had a dead tree fall on my tailgate of my truck, nothing major, some stuff blown around the yard! I am excited for Poops! I do plan to be there but as things go my wife may have to work, we will see how that works out, I plan on coming and enjoying myself!!! Hope to see everyone there ,old and new!!!! Lynn

What kind of girl would ask Teach to prom.

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