***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Robin sorry about your companion. It's hard to loose a dog that you loved.
Ima okie my want to check with Michael D he can find anything you need. Sorry about the loss of your neighbor.
I am trying to figure out how to better secure the brooders in our barn. Had 2 dead chicks (no signs of injury) and 1 chick who was hung up in the wife flooring. I am missing a dz or more chicks from the brooder. We now only have 10 chicks left from cowboys eggs! I don't know how many chicks were in the brooder, so I have no real guess of how many I lost but I can safely say we lost a dz+. I am guessing the other chicks were trampled & it was a snake that got into the box. Going to sprinkle sulphur & more moth balls. Guess I will get some minnow traps too.
The chick whose leg was stuck I will have to cull I think. I brought him inside and he is drinking. But I imagine I broke his leg getting him out. He was really stuck & was right under the heat bar. I will give him a day or 2 & see if he begins to use his leg again. Right now he won't even uncurl his toes.
I know the rest of you fight all kinds of varmints. Some reason this yr again my biggest issue is snakes!

Would you be interested in splinting the leg? I have a pdf file of avian trauma care that has lots of information on different types of splints. Can send it if you want.
I was going through old pictures and found this one. It cracks me UP every timeI see it
. I got 2 of these hens last January from Newcastle. Best $18 I ever spent, I just love them. Named them Thelma & Louise but my husband calls them, "The Ones With Those Things On Their Heads" I'll NEVER part with these girls. They turn into little chain saws when they're sitting on eggs, such cool birds.

Oh my gosh that is adorable! What breed chicken is that?
Tgperge I may try to splint, but it is way tore up & raw because of the way it was stuck in the metal wire.
I have tried splinting a keet before whose leg mysteriously got broken and he never healed.
I don't want to touch him anymore for a few hours. I figure let his body recover from the stress he is eating & drinking & hoping on one let right now. So I think there is hope. After he gets his strength up I will investigate the leg more. He is propping the bad leg up on the feeder grasping it with his toes. At first he wouldn't open his toes.
My bestie and I are just starting to get more into chickens. We were wanting to know if we could come out to the POOPS event this Saturday and just look around at what you guys have and get some more information about chickens.
Of course!!! This is the 1st POOPS I've ever been to. It was questionable for a few wks there whether we were going to be able to go or not. Now that I know we are I can finally be excited.

I am trying to figure out how to better secure the brooders in our barn. Had 2 dead chicks (no signs of injury) and 1 chick who was hung up in the wife flooring. I am missing a dz or more chicks from the brooder. We now only have 10 chicks left from cowboys eggs! I don't know how many chicks were in the brooder, so I have no real guess of how many I lost but I can safely say we lost a dz+. I am guessing the other chicks were trampled & it was a snake that got into the box. Going to sprinkle sulphur & more moth balls. Guess I will get some minnow traps too.
The chick whose leg was stuck I will have to cull I think. I brought him inside and he is drinking. But I imagine I broke his leg getting him out. He was really stuck & was right under the heat bar. I will give him a day or 2 & see if he begins to use his leg again. Right now he won't even uncurl his toes.
I know the rest of you fight all kinds of varmints. Some reason this yr again my biggest issue is snakes!
I've read several threads about people using deer netting for snakes. They just lay it on the ground spread out a bit and the snakes get so entangled they can't get loose. You could possibly use different lenghts of it, around the brooder, in front of the door, around the barn maybe, I don't know. Sorry about the babies, I know your daughter is going to be upset and on an all-out snake rampage when she gets home from school.
Good call on feeding my chicks scrambled eggs, by the way. I've got 60 eggs scrabling in a 5 qt pan. Those babies are fixing to have lunch!

They're Spitzhauben mixes. I've been trying to get ahold of a lady on the list who has really nice quality purebreds and sells eggs. Carla, if you read this it means you lol
Tgperge I may try to splint, but it is way tore up & raw because of the way it was stuck in the metal wire.
I have tried splinting a keet before whose leg mysteriously got broken and he never healed.
I don't want to touch him anymore for a few hours. I figure let his body recover from the stress he is eating & drinking & hoping on one let right now. So I think there is hope. After he gets his strength up I will investigate the leg more. He is propping the bad leg up on the feeder grasping it with his toes. At first he wouldn't open his toes.

I sure hope he gets better. Poor little guy. The snakes are terrible around here. They were getting all my eggs for a while.
Check with Gerald and Carla!!! they had JGs!!! Lynn

We won't be able to make it to POOPS because our neighbor's funeral will be that day. I was hoping to find some Jersey Giants for my son, as that is all he wants for his birthday. I know this post will be buried soon so if you know anyone who might be able to help, please keep me in mind.
Thanks so much.
DD still has 6 blue chicks from cowboys hatch. Looks like the snake took almost all but 4 black ones, go figure. We have lots of deer netting so may lay it around. Only down side is last yr I put bird netting around a guinea nest & the snake got in but couldn't get out. It was in a bad position for me to get to & kill. That snake is the whole reason DH bought me a 22

The day has to improve, thought the bulb went out in the fridge. It isnt the bulb! Fridge is 2 yrs old tops. How are you suppose to use a fridge that doesn't have a light in it?

Got wood chips soaking & I am going to try & smoke 2 chickens today. This is the $10 smoker from the Walters auction. Curious to see how my smoked chicken will turn out.

DH had duty last night so I know he isn't going to want to help me build a snake fortress when he gets home. Guess the girls & I will be hard at work this afternoon. They only have 8 days left of school!!! If I can keep them busy this summer then things should go well. Think I will take DD to the anadarko swap & let her sell her keets a couple times. The place was packed this AM. I spent $3 total bought a cute egg sign & 3 hoodies & 3tshirts. I didn't stick around for the auction. There was some good stuff but that auction drags on for hours & has lots of junk.

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