***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Hey Bill! This cane you gave me is growing like crazy! My daughter is who planted it and keeps it watered. I'm the one who admires it! I really love this plant. I hope to be able to plant a whole bunch of it off of these ones next year. Thank you so much :))
And I don't know what kind of super juice hatcher you've got but this one Buff Orpington is twice the size of the other chicks he's in with
But my husband's made it clear that if one or both are boys we're going to just have to have an Orp yard & get pullets from you. Sheesh. Very nice babies, they remind me of butterscotch.
They are just a big breed that's one reason I like them and docile as any you'd want, I hatched off a bunch more yesterday and put in a brooder this evening while I was chasing them around in the hatcher one was chasing my fingers and trying to eat them LOL it was hilarious to watch I'm betting this one will grow fast it was born hungry like my little piggies they are all over the yard can't keep them in the pen but their cool to watch root around in the leaves.
I'm glad the cane is doing well I need to remember to dig up some to take to NEOCS with me, Are the suckers that were coming off the canes growing I think the last time Beth posted about them they weren't doing so well for her, I know the root sections grow easy.
Quote: Thank you Bo. that means all three of the black ones will potentially have nice leg color. The Blues are almost dark gray. They sure are a sweet tmpered bunch too.

Quote: Could you post a picture of the bug. I think this is the same bug that eats the fruit on the trees. Big irridescent Green with a golden head nd big feelers and pinchers....

I'm glad the cane is doing well I need to remember to dig up some to take to NEOCS with me, Are the suckers that were coming off the canes growing I think the last time Beth posted about them they weren't doing so well for her, I know the root sections grow easy.
I planted in three different areas....including a root in a pot. All are growing and sending up new shoots. I'm loving this cane.
They are just a big breed that's one reason I like them and docile as any you'd want, I hatched off a bunch more yesterday and put in a brooder this evening while I was chasing them around in the hatcher one was chasing my fingers and trying to eat them LOL it was hilarious to watch I'm betting this one will grow fast it was born hungry like my little piggies they are all over the yard can't keep them in the pen but their cool to watch root around in the leaves.
I'm glad the cane is doing well I need to remember to dig up some to take to NEOCS with me, Are the suckers that were coming off the canes growing I think the last time Beth posted about them they weren't doing so well for her, I know the root sections grow easy.
If you have any extra, I'd love to have some to plant around my bee hive. I want to make a natural wind break on the north side. I think the bees will be content with a section of privacy fence, but the cane will look much nicer.
I put 3 month old chicks in big bins in the barn Sunday. Been feeding and checking on them every day. They was doing great then today I went to feed them and 9 were dead. All laying by the watered and on top of each other. Went to take first dead one out 1 was alive under it but all the others under it was dead and squished. I don't know what happened. I am completely puzzled and upset what do y'all think happened? I have wire on the top of the bins and the room in the barn is a old feed room with walls a door and window.
One of the Roos follows me around all the time he is under my feet and always Into whatever I'm doing and doesn't mind kisses at all. He likes to be carried around and huged and kissed
All this NN pictures got me jump started. I raised several blue NN pullets this year. (oldest have started laying) I was going to wait till next year to buy a new Blue NN rooster, but will put my feelers out now trying to find Mr. Right. He needs to be big and meaty, as part of this project is to get a BIG dual purpose NN. He also needs to have very little red on him. Anyone raising anything like this, give me a holler.
I have 5 LF NN roosters and don't really need that many. That silverish rooster behind the red one in the 1st picture is blue based. He put out a lot of blue pullets and young blue stags too. I sold most of them, but saved a few for my self. I'll try to get a better picture of him if I can get him to hold still long enough.
I have 5 LF NN roosters and don't really need that many. That silverish rooster behind the red one in the 1st picture is blue based. He put out a lot of blue pullets and young blue stags too. I sold most of them, but saved a few for my self. I'll try to get a better picture of him if I can get him to hold still long enough.
I put 3 month old chicks in big bins in the barn Sunday. Been feeding and checking on them every day. They was doing great then today I went to feed them and 9 were dead. All laying by the watered and on top of each other. Went to take first dead one out 1 was alive under it but all the others under it was dead and squished. I don't know what happened. I am completely puzzled and upset what do y'all think happened? I have wire on the top of the bins and the room in the barn is a old feed room with walls a door and window.
They may have got to cool and bunched up and sophicated each other.

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