***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Morning Okies,

Looks like another lovely but windy day. I finished my grow-out A-Frame tractor made of cattle panels covered with chicken wire. I had to herd the group onto the wire platform (Thanks, NannaKat! You are a genius!) last night because the little sillies were all huddled at the door. I expect it will take a few days to teach them to go to the right spot at night, away from wire sides. DH suggested a wire panel that clips in to make the sleeping area secure. I think I'll make one today.
Glad you got your piggie Greybear!!!

My long weekend is here!~  After going to the doctor today I will be at the lake for the rest of the weekend, I am so looking forward to it.

Hope everyone has a safe weekend.

no lake for you. only work for you.

have fun. wish i could go.
Any suggestions on getting the turkey poults intergrated with the adults ? The poults are about 5 and 7 weeks old, they have been in the grow out pen for 2 weeks now where the adults can see them. Still have one turkey hen laying, but the other hen won't let her set, keeps taking her eggs, then I keep taking the eggs out of the nest. Any ideas on how long until she decides she is not going to be broody ? Should I wait to let the poults in with the adults until the broodiness is gone ?
Have one wellie x ee setting on eggs, she is the calmest broody i have ever had, she lets me pet her, take her eggs out and check to see if the other girls have added to her nest or not every day, she just kind of purrs, doesn't peck or get out of sorts at all. But she is one of the girls that will jump on your lap for treats. This is her 1st clutch of eggs, am hoping she will be a good momma.
I put 3 month old chicks in big bins in the barn Sunday. Been feeding and checking on them every day. They was doing great then today I went to feed them and 9 were dead. All laying by the watered and on top of each other. Went to take first dead one out 1 was alive under it but all the others under it was dead and squished. I don't know what happened. I am completely puzzled and upset what do y'all think happened? I have wire on the top of the bins and the room in the barn is a old feed room with walls a door and window.
I'm sorry. A big loss is hard to take.
Good morning all! Well was out loading some stuff in the truck yesterday and heard a semi honk down the road from the house about a 1/4 of a mile, I looked up in time to see our piggy that got out running down the highway!!! Dakota and I drove down and herded him back home and cornered him and Dakota carried him back to his pen!!! The weighs about 75 lbs.!!! Glad to get him back, sure thought he was coyote bait, thank you God!!! Had two chicks hatch from under a Broodie, she was so worried about the two getting out of the nest that she wouldn't sett out the rest of the eggs, will throw them out today, they were chilled so don't expect any more to hatch. have another due to hatch any time, so may put the two with her if she will take them. Will check in later, have a great day, Lynn

I wouldn't toss them. On more than one occasion, I've had momma hens leave the nest with their chicks, only to not go back to that nest that evening. Eggs were real cold, but I had to give them a chance. Put them in the incubator only to have them hatch within a day. Same with ones that for some reason or other got pushed out of the nest.

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