***OKIES in the BYC III ***

A few pics from today, could use some help w/ bug ID, if you don't know the name, at least w/ if it is a good garden or a bad garden bug.

This one I am 90% sure is bad news for the garden, but don't know why I think that. They obviously just hatched, I killed them shortly after taking this pic, I don't usually unless I KNOW it is a bad guy. So I don't know whether to hope it is bad and I did good by killing it, or if it is good and hope there are more.

This one I really have no clue about?

This one looks like a ladybug beetle, but I don't think it is.

I really don't have a clue about this one, I hope it is a preditory something b/c it was on the squash plants.

dragon tongue bean
Well finished one a-frame before it got to hot. Pulled up all my peas out of the garden. They were attacked by some little mite type bug this week and it killed them so quickly. So the chickens got a good meal on peas. Got eggs moved to the hatcher this morning and eggs set for someone else. My little Jackmac has broke out in a rash. Told him that is what happens to little boys who go climbing trees. But no other symptoms other than an itchy rash so hopefully it is just something he bathed with this morning or something he found in a tree, lol. We lost 4 of the eight guineas that hatched from the wild guineas eggs. They came out with deformed feet. I tried to help them but they just werent getting any better.

Well off to take kids to oldest boys basketball game.
Some of the guineas I got at atwoods had some deformed toes. They've made it alright tho.... unless those are the five that disappeared the first night. If I could get close enough to tell I'd let you know

So incredibly happy with my flock right now. I think it's perfect in size and breeds. Maybe that's why I've not been on much, I don't need any enablers right now

Moved the chicks into the barn to make room for the piglets, they seem happy to be out of our bathtub. Probably will have to bring them in at night for warmth, but it's nice to have them outside where they belong for most of the day!
OMG it is so windy today!!!!
We have a freezer outside we keep ice bottles and a little deer meat in, well the dang wind blew the door open today and thawed some of the deer meat!!!
So anyways I had just taken it easy today, my back has hurt all day, my legs were cramping this morning, tried the Aleeve like the Dr. told me and it did nothing for me! I am tired of hurting all the time! OK Dakota just came in from chores, evidently we have a Hudini pig!!!! Third time in three days the same one got out, we are moving them to another pen, yes Dakots caught him again!! So better go help him, later all, Lynn

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