***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Okay I have baby chickie doos so that means you guys have to see the pics!!!! lol lol lol
This Araucana color is Silver Duckwing (edit: and someone correct me if I'm wrong!). 1 of my Araucana chicks from Joe is this color and my Phoenix's & an OEGB of mine are this color. The boys look different than the girls and I used to think this color was boring. But once they're mature if you look at the blended colors and patterns they're really striking. I can't wait to see some of the pictures you take of this one once it's older. Your little Blue Araucana is so pretty, I'm hoping to have about a dozen rumpless wonders in the Araucana yard by this winter :)

Robin, early last year I got 4 Guineas at a yard sale that were said to be 6 wks old & feathered out. We put them in the layers yard and it wasn't a week before they'd found their way over the fence and out yonder. They'd come back inside the chickens yard every night and hang right around here all day, didn't lose any of them (til I gave them away to Cathie). The ones of yours look smaller but they do have their mama with them. I guess it depends on how much you like the Guineas and if you're willing to risk it.
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To all the good folk who were at N.E.O.C.S. on Saturday....
and of course all the birds. ... Thank you for braving the heat and all other obstacles to make it such a fun and enjoyable day. After all is said and done, the "first time" is never quite what one expects, is it? I would like to throw in my two cents worth: everyone who stayed and worked the auction and the raffle and the clean up are heroes in my book - and I know what a true hero is - see sig lines for other examples. It was a great pleasure meeting all of you from BYC Okies and all the other guests too. Some of us, especially we really small operation BYC folks, can't afford to go to all the auctions or weekly swap meets to trade birds as we would be fined by "the City" and would lose our homes if we were ever turned in. So it was nice to go to something like Saturday's NEO Chicken Swap and meet everyone there, get really sweaty, eat a hot dog from the Girl Scouts (many thanks!) and to breathe in the thick aroma of hundreds of chickens. How great to see the varieties and to be able to appreciate what all you "real chicken people" do to keep poultry alive and very well in Oklahoma! Even though I live in OKC, I have been able to keep a few birds - God has blessed those of you who live on farms and acreages. I am not jealous (well maybe just a tiny bit) but I certainly will continue to support the efforts of you all who organized and helped to run last Saturday's event. Coral, Joe, Bill, Cowboy......all y'all know who you are. THANKS!!
This Araucana color is Silver Duckwing (edit: and someone correct me if I'm wrong!). 1 of my Araucana chicks from Joe is this color and my Phoenix's & an OEGB of mine are this color. The boys look different than the girls and I used to think this color was boring. But once they're mature if you look at the blended colors and patterns they're really striking. I can't wait to see some of the pictures you take of this one once it's older. Your little Blue Araucana is so pretty, I'm hoping to have about a dozen rumpless wonders in the Araucana yard by this winter :)

Robin, early last year I got 4 Guineas at a yard sale that were said to be 6 wks old & feathered out. We put them in the layers yard and it wasn't a week before they'd found their way over the fence and out yonder. They'd come back inside the chickens yard every night and hang right around here all day, didn't lose any of them (til I gave them away to Cathie). The ones of yours look smaller but they do have their mama with them. I guess it depends on how much you like the Guineas and if you're willing to risk it.
I do not have a blue aruacana. I have this one and a couple of small chipmunk but no blue. I have a blue NN x w/ spitz and a blue NN barred. Joe had two that were this color and said this one was 100% girl but he couldn't say the other one was for sure a girl so I took this one for a variety of color since I already had the red/brown chipmunk babies from him.
@ Jan! It was a pleasure meeting and visiting with you. Also a pleasure visiting with so many folks.

The ones that are making the biggest stink, 1) did not have any booths or items for sale, 2) Other than showing their arse, did not get involved in the planning thread.

I believe Coral did a great job and would count it as a success for a first time event. It wasn't her fault that friend of hers left her hanging with a P.A. problem...but it was resolved with another volunteer. It also wasn't her fault the print shop did not come through...you know, stuff happens.

Those that are complaining most should have been more involved if they wanted things to go more "their way"...to show up mid-morning then complain worse than 4 year old?!?!...Get real.

It was no secret that it was a public event. It was no secret that if folks were looking for a utility breed bird, this probably was not the activity to attend...We're in Oklahoma, in June it's hot! Was that really a surprise?

There are ways to do constructive critique, but to just complain for the sake of complaining? I challenge any of you "disgruntled" to do a better job with the same amount of resources.

My apologies for stating my opinion...

Now for the positive....let's continue to use the planning thread or FB to critique what went well, what worked and what didn't, what to add to or take away from...then we can let this thread go back to its regularly scheduled programing...
Just came in from the garden. Several hours of picking green beans, squash & peppers plus a few ground cherries & tomatoes. The stupid stupid stupid squash bugs have taken out 2 plants this wk! I am working overtime catching the nasty things. Don't know how many we have caught or how many eggs we have removed.
DD came up from the barn & looked as if she wanted to cry. Someone turned the fridge on the coldest setting & 6 dz eggs froze. I explained it isn't the end of the world. The birds will be eating the eggs that were ruined in the fridge. Think she still has plenty to take to the Anadarko farmers market tomorrow. She is excited about taking her eggs, hope she does well. She works hard to care for the birds.

Last wk I stopped by frontier feeds in Marlow & picked up 14% protein creep for $8.50 a bag. I mixed it 50/50 with later pellets & the girls seem to like it. I figure they are getting enough protein from the bugs & if not they need to go eat more grasshoppers. We have also been giving them 1T of red cell per gal of water once a wk. Supposed to be hot all wk need to start soaking some oats for the ladies & make sure the swamp cooler is turned on & all waters are full.
Buster sounds like the market in Lawton is going well! If anadarko doesn't work out we will come to Lawton once the garden is putting out more.
Bill, you're a good man and I'm glad to have gotten to meet you in person. You're kind and fair and give people the benefit of the doubt. If you don't have something nice to say you've always done what our mama's taught us to do-keep our traps shut. We can all learn from you.
And Christina-sheesh! I miss you!! Poor Taron and her eggs :-( I feel for her.
Here's one of the Brown Red Bantam Ameraucanas (what a mouthful). Brown Red is such a common old fashioned color but it's my favorite color in birds. And Blue Wheaten in Ameraucana roos is the same color (supposed to be) as Lemon Blue in Cochin roos. I wish they'd use the same names for the colors lol
I have been spraying the base of the squash plants w/ water to flush out the nasty squash bugs and the nymphs. It is helping alot to kill many more squash bugs then I can normally find and waters the plants in the process.
i like my new turkey i got from the sale, i sure hope my broad breasted white turkeys get up to size by thanks giving, so he can just stay as a pet, lol. they have all they can eat of high protein food. so we will see.

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