***OKIES in the BYC III ***

We just finished our kraut day project: 58.5 quarts from a 20 gallon crock.
It was all hands on deck for Kraut Day

We need more jars

Today's haul

Add to that the 52 quarts and 11 pints from the 5 gallon, 8 gallon and 10 gallon crocks put up earlier this week and we have 116 quarts for the next two years.
The grand nephew spent the morning out with the geese and the chicks and he had a great time! Told me he wanted us to adopt him so he could live in the chick house....
Holy batman that is alot of kraut!!!! My garden is limited this year to okra, tomatoes and peppers that is all I got planted. Wanted more but no time until the middle of July. I may try to plant some fall stuff then. I am going to have to use something on my peppers something is getting the leaves.
Busy folks around here...glad to hear the kraut report...was wondering how you two did. My corn is just now getting ready. I think I planted about the same time you did...maybe a little later.

is it possible that these hens i just got dont lay? lol

well ive had them a few days..
Reasons for not laying: change in environment, feed changes, molting, and temperatures over 90 degrees. Give them a little time. They should return to laying soon.

Here is our mornings pickings that will go to market tomorrow.

All the imperfect veggies go to us or the birds. I still need to dig potatoes some time this week, but who knows when.
DD has recovered from the egg drama-- but she said she will never forget all the work it took to crack open 7 dz eggs. We couldn't just boil them since half of the eggs were cracked. I am still standing here stirring the pot they are cooking in, think I will have some happy chickens this afternoon.

Robin the guineas are still pretty small. I am sure they would do fine as long as there as no predators around. Our "new" girl dog has taken to biting the heads off little chicks. So I imagine the dog is going to be rehomed. She doesn't bother the big ones, but even if the little ones stick there head out the wire she gets them. The dog has spent most of her time this past wk on the chain. She is a good dog & very smart. If someone gets out of their car she doesn't stop barking & charging at them until I come to her side. Wish she would not mess with the chicks!

I am going to finish cooking eggs. Eat some lunch & continue getting ready for the farmers market tomorrow.
Nice garden produce! Sorry for the egg drama. As for the dog...have you tried a shock collar?

Quote: Daughter had a friend that had a pet turkey that was a guard bird! No one got out of their car when they pulled into the driveway unless a family member came out to shoo off the turkey. He would puff up, boom and strutt around the car.
Busy folks around here...glad to hear the kraut report...was wondering how you two did. My corn is just now getting ready. I think I planted about the same time you did...maybe a little later.

Reasons for not laying: change in environment, feed changes, molting, and temperatures over 90 degrees. Give them a little time. They should return to laying soon.

Nice garden produce! Sorry for the egg drama. As for the dog...have you tried a shock collar?

Daughter had a friend that had a pet turkey that was a guard bird! No one got out of their car when they pulled into the driveway unless a family member came out to shoo off the turkey. He would puff up, boom and strutt around the car.
As a child I was attacked by a flock of geese, I'm still afraid of them to this day.
Hey guys! I have a seriously broody black australorp hen that is refusing to give up sitting on unfertilized eggs. I have taken eggs away from her everyday for two weeks now. She has ripped out all of her belly feathers and, in my opinion, has her mind set on brooding. I have never had a broody hen before but she is refusing to even roost at night so I know she is serious. I do not have a rooster so my question is should I get her some fertilized eggs to sit? Everyone seems to leave her alone and even push eggs under her so...

Does anyone have any black australorp, rir, or silver lace wyandotte eggs they are willing to sell me?


Here is our mornings pickings that will go to market tomorrow.

All the imperfect veggies go to us or the birds. I still need to dig potatoes some time this week, but who knows when.
DD has recovered from the egg drama-- but she said she will never forget all the work it took to crack open 7 dz eggs. We couldn't just boil them since half of the eggs were cracked. I am still standing here stirring the pot they are cooking in, think I will have some happy chickens this afternoon.
Robin the guineas are still pretty small. I am sure they would do fine as long as there as no predators around. Our "new" girl dog has taken to biting the heads off little chicks. So I imagine the dog is going to be rehomed. She doesn't bother the big ones, but even if the little ones stick there head out the wire she gets them. The dog has spent most of her time this past wk on the chain. She is a good dog & very smart. If someone gets out of their car she doesn't stop barking & charging at them until I come to her side. Wish she would not mess with the chicks!
I am going to finish cooking eggs. Eat some lunch & continue getting ready for the farmers market tomorrow.
That's beautiful, and I bet it's all mighty tasty!
I live in Norman...I have hens right now and one is very broody so I would like to give her some fertilized eggs to sit and see if she will hatch them. :)

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