***OKIES in the BYC III ***

This is a pic of a dear eating the peach's from the tree behind are well house . I tryd to take more but it was just to dark out an you couldnt see thim.. All the animals are coming out looking for food coon's yote's it is so Dry out this way they have no food or water .The dear come up every night an eat the duck's feed an drink out of the bird bath's in the front yard.. My dog's keep the coon's an other varmit's away ..But my frind not far from hear got wiped out by coon's this week he gave me his last few he had left an said he wasnt geting any more feed was just to high to have some thing kill thim..
Enlarged the picture by clicking on it and I could make out the deer. Loads of critters are out hunting for food and water...

Quote: Michael...going to try to make it in the morning....spen 3.5 hours on a tractor and my body is telling it.
How long will you be there Saturday?

Nothing like having your heart ripped out and stomped on by your child that is in pain over the loss of a friend! Sorry friends, I am going offline for a little bit to get myself back together, Thank you all for the prayers and thought, Lynn
That is gut-wrenching when problem,s happen with our little ones! Prayers lifted for both of you.
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Well stopped by the Harrah auction tonight, nothing I needed so we left before it even started. Made a trip to Braums to get milk and Buster I saw some stainless steal items that seem to have your name on them. One is a long table about 18' long had a 4 hole sink area, a area that looked to be like a salad bar area (a well with a drain in it) then a cabinet area. THen two big stainless work tables. Not sure if you need them but I took pictures of them. Let me know and I will send you my # and will text them to you.

Going to head to the swapmeet tomorrow and drop off birds to Micheal (well unless it is raining). It is so nice to look at my "sell pen" and only see 15 birds. Now just need to find a home for the trio of blue splash marans, the golden salmons and the trio of black australorps. Then I can use that pen for something else.

Sure wish I could be at the auction tomorrow night, hubby was going to go but now the people with the Wifi company are coming out to see if we can get it here at the house. It sure would be nice if we could. Dial up bites! LOL

Scoots hubby had your # and lost it and I need to find out about the Newcastle show. I know Nathanael wants to enter a bird or two and Kurt and Jack might have a one each to enter.

Lynn hope things get better, it is hard when our children act out against us. But I have learned it is only when they feel safe and secure in our love for them that they act out towards us. They know we won't abandon them.
I went w/ the brinsea eco 20, after days of reading reviews it really was a no brainer for the choice of incubator for the price point.

Nothing like having your heart ripped out and stomped on by your child that is in pain over the loss of a friend! Sorry friends, I am going offline for a little bit to get myself back together, Thank you all for the prayers and thought, Lynn
I feel for you, Lynn. I can take about anything happening to me but not when one of my kids has to go through it.
Thinking about you all.
Nanacat ill be ther tel after 1 then ill load up an stop back by the sale at Newcastle if its a bit later than 1 i can wait on you ,,You can txs me 405 933 0518
Elwood, I don't know if I told you or not, but that feeder you gave me is working great, the birds like it more then their old feeder. We were putting food in both right after you gave it to me, but they would only eat out of the old feeder as a last resort.

Ksane, I would have gotten the smaller one, but I think I'm getting around 20ish eggs next week, so ......................... "the devil made me do it!!!!" lol
Busy day yesterday, took advantage of the cooler weather. scratched up the top of the ground with the tiller in two areas, got the fall/winter food plot seeds out for the birds. We have been getting a little rain over the past week or so. The storms we had last Sunday evening here were kind of rough, lost a few shingles off of the shop, lost most of the roll roofing of of the grow out pen, neighbor came over last night and got 1/2 of the top of a red bud tree off of the roof of the front porch, sure hate to loose half of the tree, hubby says he needs to climb up on the roof and see if there was any damage from the tree. A few rain gutter down spouts were blown off of the house on the side of the straight winds from the storm, 1 1/2 inches of rain from that storm along with the hail. Had to sit and laugh at the tom turkey and a jake, they were outside still when it started hailing, they made a bee line to the back of the house and got next to it, must have been their 1st time seeing a hail storm, heard of turkeys drowning in the rain, but then again turkeys are not always the brightest bird. Nice here this morning about 70 degrees, and cloudy. Hope everyone has a good day !
Good morning to all! It`s a cool and cloudy 66°F here this morning....We had a little thunderstorm roll through here about 2:00 AM and by the looks of thing we received a nice little rain.

Hope y`all have a great weekend!
I'm making a late start today. Lots of commotion outside (skunks!!!!) caused Vesta to bark constantly as she patrolled the pen area last night. I'm happy knowing she's on the job, but I have a hard time sleeping when she's barking with more enthusiasm than usual.

Robin - Sorry the Dominique turned out to be a boy. I'll post a photo of one of the cockerels from the same hatch so that you can see how much darker Lucky's friend is. That's the part that fooled me initially. The dark cockerel is also much smaller.

Thanks to all who posted photos recently. I've enjoyed winding down at the end of each day looking at photos of the flocks of Oklahoma chicken friends.

I missed the Coweta sale last night. I haven't looked at my kitchen calendar since school started, so I didn't realize we were at the third Friday of the month already. Joe, if you worked the sale, tell us how it went.
Good morning all, I want to thank each one of you for the comforting comments and thank you all for the prayers, I sometimes think I can handle anything but my kids are one thing that can stop me in my tracks, my son lost one of his best friend in an auto accident and is going through the funeral today, he is in a lot of pain and I am sure he spoke out before thinking, it doesn't change how it hurts after they say it but I do understand, it just upsets me when I see him making bad decisions that he knows are wrong, he is 19 and thinks he has life by the horns, been there done that, that's why it hurts so much. I know I can't live his life for him and he has to make some mistakes, it's just hard to set back and try to pick up the pieces. Thank you all for listening and understanding! Now! We got some rain last night, started at 1:13am and stopped about 5am here, it was hard at times but most was just a good soft rain, it is so cool and fresh smelling this morning, the chickens are up and scratchin around and singing. Have a great day all, Lynn
The. Weather is nice hope some my byc buddys can make it tonight.we had. Lots. Of calls so come and see us we start. At 5

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