***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Im betting you all are right! I strongly doubt hell ever be dominant or have the Rooster needs that would be required to watch out for a flock, sadly. BUT, he is one spoiled chicken!! Ive never loved a chickie so much in my entire life!! Thank you all!!
Let the mocking begin. I looked at the dial for heat on the incubator it clearly indicated turn this way for less heat and turn this-a-way for heat. Okay. I was getting no heat and the dial was all the this-a-way way. Well, i got hold of some directions and they were all clockwise and counter-clockwise. Note: neither of my kids could tell you what directions these are, they were raised on digital clocks *sigh*
Anyway. Following the directions from the directions seem to work and he temp is pretty close. So I'm nearly ready to put my eggs in. And feeling very stoopid!
How bad is having too much humidity in the first weeks. I know it needs to be higher at the hatch so they can get out of he eggs easier.
Still feeling dumb,
Your friend,
Cathie Sue
I could never mock someone over a technical issue b/c I'm a huge techno idiot! lol lol Glad it was an easy fix.

It is my understanding the humidity allows for liquid evaporation from the egg at a specific rate and spikes in humidity aren't ness bad, but sustained high or low can lead to to much or not enough fluid at hatch to much can effectively drown the chick not enough would basically glue them to the shell. But all this is read information not experience.
So, I am going to share this with you all since my Hubby isnt realy big on chickens (and could honestly care less).
This weekend, my gold sexed link started to lay! I peeked in one her laying in one of my buckets I made, and she made the loudest scariest screach I have ever heard from any chicken!! Honestly scared me a bit at first! But then she calmed down and realized it was me, and let me pet her.... It was the cutest tiny egg ever!
Secondly, My half blind chicken is getting more and more attached to me by the day! Without me I honestly dont think he/she would make it. I have to let it in the house every day for about two hours so it can have some alone time and eat/ drink without getting pecked on (seems how its at the bottom of the pecking order in my flock). It literally comes to me when I hollar its name and leaps into my hands!!! I have never had any chicken do that to me before! It means the world to me! It will cuddle from time to time, but cant really free range on its own because it cant get a good sight on any bugs, which makes me sad. But I know it has a good home with me. I just wish I could tell if its a boy or girl!
but to my conclusion, IT WAS THE BEST $4 I HAVE EVER SPENT!!!

My husband got the incubator "for me", he "don't care anything about hatching out chickens" but he went and got a thermometer w/ humidity gauge that sets inside the incubator but has a read out unit he has set in the kitchen and if that temp or humidity changes by one, he's telling me all about it!!!!

Let the mocking begin. I looked at the dial for heat on the incubator it clearly indicated turn this way for less heat and turn this-a-way for heat. Okay. I was getting no heat and the dial was all the this-a-way way. Well, i got hold of some directions and they were all clockwise and counter-clockwise. Note: neither of my kids could tell you what directions these are, they were raised on digital clocks *sigh*
Anyway. Following the directions from the directions seem to work and he temp is pretty close. So I'm nearly ready to put my eggs in. And feeling very stoopid!
How bad is having too much humidity in the first weeks. I know it needs to be higher at the hatch so they can get out of he eggs easier.
Still feeling dumb,
Your friend,
Cathie Sue
I do dry hatches and have been having great luck. With my own eggs all 5 that I put in lock down hatched. I don't even bother with the humidity on Day 1-18, if it happens to get below 20% I'll put a 1/2 a tsp or so in there but that's it. But the last 3 days during lock down I crank it way up-70-80%. If the humidity is too high the 1st 18 days the eggs don't lose enough water and the babies can drown the last 3 days no matter what you do at that point. I put a microfiber cloths wet with water in my Brinseas, that was the only way I could keep the humidity up. I still have to add water. I'm not real strict about not opening it during the last 3 days but I try to be quick.

And here's my last Cochin baby to hatch. It's 12 days behind the previous 4 that hatched. We lost our big dark Blue Cochin boy a few wks ago (a huge tumor on his back, it was sad) but I have 2 Cochin babies out of him & a Cochin/Ameraucana out of him. Plus I have the Cochin out of the Brown Red boy that went to NoCityBoy and my Black girl. This one looks Blue on the front and Black in the back.
Here's her (I hope) and her daddy we lost.

I do dry hatches and have been having great luck. With my own eggs all 5 that I put in lock down hatched. I don't even bother with the humidity on Day 1-18, if it happens to get below 20% I'll put a 1/2 a tsp or so in there but that's it. But the last 3 days during lock down I crank it way up-70-80%. If the humidity is too high the 1st 18 days the eggs don't lose enough water and the babies can drown the last 3 days no matter what you do at that point. I put a microfiber cloths wet with water in my Brinseas, that was the only way I could keep the humidity up. I still have to add water. I'm not real strict about not opening it during the last 3 days but I try to be quick.

And here's my last Cochin baby to hatch. It's 12 days behind the previous 4 that hatched. We lost our big dark Blue Cochin boy a few wks ago (a huge tumor on his back, it was sad) but I have 2 Cochin babies out of him & a Cochin/Ameraucana out of him. Plus I have the Cochin out of the Brown Red boy that went to NoCityBoy and my Black girl. This one looks Blue on the front and Black in the back.
Here's her (I hope) and her daddy we lost.

I may have a 4 week old chick that i thick is a roo which is going to be black or possibly blue, if you are interested I will hold him for you.
Im betting you all are right! I strongly doubt hell ever be dominant or have the Rooster needs that would be required to watch out for a flock, sadly. BUT, he is one spoiled chicken!! Ive never loved a chickie so much in my entire life!! Thank you all!!
I am thinking rooster to. As for the breed my mom has some look just like him they are red laced blue winedott. You might google red laced blue winedott see what comes up. I'm not a good speller so winedott is probably misspelled. :)oops wyndot maybe lol

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