***OKIES in the BYC III ***

one of the best ways to tame her is to give her a bumble bath, flea shampoo, then she will relax for you, blow dry - easy way to find mites, they are hard to see-

on the poufy girl, what does her crop feel like?
flea shampoo for dogs or cats
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yes I use Adams flea and tick shampoo and the dip. i mix the dip by the gallon and spray it on their bottom their feet and under their wings.

Another problem with a nasty bottom is gleet....a yeast infection ...that can be treated with apple cider vinegar. Feed the bird yogurt also.

Lynn....that is great news on your wife. Sorry you couldnt make poops this year.

Robin...couldnt see the video until i get home...using my phone right now...bil still in surgery. Dont know if mites would affect her breathing. Ascites or infection might as well as her heart. keeping good thoughts for her.
Lynn, looked for you at POOPS. Sorry you couldn't make it, but sounds like good news on your wife's condition. I should remember her name, but am bad about it.
nana- i had her in the tub most the morning, seeming to ease her breathing, was able to get her to drink sugar water, she perked up some, have her in the spare room with her buddy Dora, so she won't get lonely, she is breathing easier- she is a big girl, was eating yesterday, not today-

on the ACV, i have begun giving it to my birds, and seems to be taking care of Captains throat issues
OK. Here a some pics of the new babies. I will take close-ups of them this weekend.
These are the Cochins and Spizthaubens.

This is the The Gimp (the Spitzhauben I nursed back to health) and the only Japanese Bantam that hatched.

These are the 2 Cochins left in the hatcher. The bottom one is struggling a little so I will probably help it out after it fluffs up a little.

So I got 5 out of 6 Spitzhaubens to hatch. 7 out of 11 Cochins and 1 out of 4 Bantams. Still disappointed with the Jap Bantams. Really wanted these to hatch. Luckily I have more in the incubator. I candled all the remaining eggs in the hatcher today and no movement. So this hatch is done. The next one starts on Saturday.

Glad you had a successful hatch with the spitz. Sorry about the Jap Bantams. I lost one of the Wheaten's the next day. Think it got cold that night. All others are doing well.
I think the cold weather really messed with my babies I got last week! I got my second order today and they're completely fine. I'm still losing babies from last weeks order :(
Glad you had a successful hatch with the spitz. Sorry about the Jap Bantams. I lost one of the Wheaten's the next day. Think it got cold that night. All others are doing well.

Sorry about the Wheaton man. All of mine are in a brooder in my kitchen. I had 2 that had their wings sticking straight out but they seem fine now. They are in with the Cuckoo's I got from Jack. The new babies are on the other side of the brooder. The Jap bantam and The Gimp are in my laundry room. I have no idea where I am going to put the Golden Salmons when they hatch. I need to build some coops!
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one of the best ways to tame her is to give her a bumble bath, flea shampoo, then she will relax for you, blow dry - easy way to find mites, they are hard to see-
yep, you were right she defently has mites, How do i get rid of them, also think she might be wormie saw one floting in the water when i bathed her. How do i worm her? I have read someting about useing ivermectin if so what kind and how much?

sorry about my spelling,
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Apple cider vinegars has many uses besides providing probiotics in the water or in a mash for a sick bird.

It can also be used to wash a dirty bottom to soothe a yeast infection and change the ph in the area.

It can be used on a cotton pad to clean an injury to the comb or eye and to clean dirty nares.

It can be used to soothe a sore foot as a soak or as a bird is recovering from scale mites to soak the legs.

I keep several gallons on hand and make more by adding a cup of good ACV with the "mother" to a new jug go plain ACV , covering the top of the jug with cheese cloth to let the jug "breathe" while the mother cultures. This new jug sits in a pantry or closet as it cultures for several weeks.

Oh, don't add ACV to water in a metal watering can. The ACV will react to the metal. best to use a plastic waterer.
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can chickens get lice? because some of the bugs looked like the lice that get on our goats.
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