***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Quote the turkey "Nevermore" -- Tooo funny!
Have spent the day catching up on the OKIE thread. Its been awhile since I have been on. Lots of catching up to do.
I always spend Saturday morning out in the yard watching the chickens trying to take pics that I can post but can just never get any good ones. This morning I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. I have not been laying in the grass down on their level. LOL. They couldn't figure out what I was doing on the ground and curiosity finally got the best of them so they came in for a peek. Chicken pics are from my juvenile pen birds.

Quail dust bathing

Olive Egger pullet and some of the gang

Olive Egger pullet

Curly in all his naked neck glory

Quail getting ready to lay

From the coops this morning

You lookin at me?

And then I finally got the stink eye!
Does it make the two-syllable call, or only the one. Only the hens can make the "puh-trak" (many call it "buck wheat") sound. this one is a little young to be sure, but I think it is a male. Not so much because of the cupped wattles, though. Males are the ones that usually have that shape, but I have several females who do as well. I'm looking at the "cere", which is the band of red flesh the nostrils are in. It looks pretty pronounced to me, which usually indicates males. however, that look may change as it matures.

She definately has a loud, two-part call.
Hey all. I have a question. Does anyone have any Pullet Americauna's that are either about to or have started laying that they might need to find a home for. I am looking for about 5. Also I have a Roo Wheaton Marans that needs to find a home. I have one too many.
Thanks Frank
Hey all.  I have a question.  Does anyone have any Pullet Americauna's that are either about to or have started laying that they might need to find a home for.  I am looking for about 5.  Also I have a Roo Wheaton Marans that needs to find a home.  I have one too many.
Thanks Frank

I know someone in Beggs that has wheaten and blue wheaten ameraucana pullets for sale.
I have someone inquiring about having me ship my Tolbunt chicks, does anyone know the state regulations on shipping live birds? Google is not helping.

Shipping Day old requires a hatchery certification, not just the standard NPIP program. Shipping Juvenile and adults requires a Poultry Shipping Box, NPIP is not required for this. Shipping Boxes can be purchased directly From Horizon

They are the only ones that manufacture USPS approved shipping containers for adult poultry.

If you need a single box I could sell you one, I have several here.
Busy day already. Went with the boys to pick up a limping bull at one of our pastures in Prague. He was breeding a heifer today so we will wait to move him tomorrow. Then got home to check the broodies and one of the Black Rosecombs has two babies out of the shell and three more piping. The other hen is sitting on 6 eggs in a separate pen. Found two of my pullets broodie this morning. Will move both them into a floor pen with no nests in a few minutes. Still have 7 older girls sitting on nests with no eggs....sheesh! All the birds are out free-ranging and on grasshopper patrol. Seems we are having a new crop of hoppers hatching and the birds are getting fat.

For the past several days, I've been cutting low hanging limbs off fruit trees and cutting down 10 foot tall wild sunflowers and 5 foot tall johnson grass out of the garden where I had let them get away from me. Then sprayed round-up on the johnson grass and fence lines. What a hot job. I've also been collecting seed for the cleome and the red sage. the hummingbirds love these and I like to keep seed to scatter in the spring. The spring rains sure have made for a bumper cropo!

Today I'll mow and weedwack the garden and yard again. The boys are working on the haying equipment getting ready to bale more hay.

Hope everyone has a restful day.......

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