***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Some of the others from today (mine this time not ksane's)

Little girl, I don't know if this is possible but I think she is daughter of Little Man (Manny). He is a black breasted red araucana, don't have a clue how he would make a daughter w/ this color, but she is so small and he was my only small chicken male or female.
All of your birds are gorgeous, but Little Girl is stunning!

Kass your pictures are amazing as always!!!


Grrr... the website editor got stuck this afternoon I guess and dumped all my changes. I just fixed them all again. Will you give it a try again pretty please? www.chickenfanatics.com. Thanks!
well, didnt load for me, other than the title in the browser saying where i am...tried refresh too..:(

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All of your birds are gorgeous, but Little Girl is stunning!

well, didnt load for me, other than the title in the browser saying where i am...tried refresh too..:(

Thanks, she is such a tiny little thing, has been since hatch. Not serema tiny, but she holds her own, it helped that Reba was her mom, NOBODY messed w/ Reba's chicks!
You can get the Tetroxy HCA at any feed store, might have to look in the calf/pig medicine area. Gallimycin I've had to order online, I haven't seen it local to me yet although a feed store could probably special order it. I like it better because it is a shorter treatment (5-7 days versus 10-14 for the Tetroxy) and you don't have to dump and refill EVERY DAY like you do with the Tetroxy. But I have noticed the Tetroxy is more effective for bad cases.

The Tylan is an injectable, Atwoods has it, I buy the small gauge insulin needles at the pharmacy and give chicks 1/4 CC and adults 1/2 CC when needed.

Grrr... the website editor got stuck this afternoon I guess and dumped all my changes. I just fixed them all again. Will you give it a try again pretty please? www.chickenfanatics.com. Thanks!

It just doesn't want to load for me.

EDIT: I have been staring at a blank screen and all it says on my tab is "Waiting for chickenfanatics.com". Im bummed... I really like visiting your site because then I can see all your pretty babies... then I start wanting more after all that eye candy...
just went to check it and yah. Still not loading. Sorry. :(
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True5 said...I have a different case now. What do you do or give a chicken with a respiratory thing going on? She is probably around 4 months old and is sneezing, drainage. I know she has had it for a super long time because the neighbor kid gave her to me. She is a little frizzle that is the bottom of the pecking order and never really had good shelter even in those really cold nights. Poor thing. I put her in a crate in the garage with a heat lamp and necessities. I use that VetRx stuff in the black bottle and supplemental vitamins. Is there anything else I should give her?

Denegard is easier to find locally than the Gallimycin. Add a little honey to the water too because the Denegard must taste bad.

Set up the other Cochin pen Tuesday . The full moon was affecting hen attitudes in the Bantam pens. Those girls have been together for months, but today they were fighting off and on all day. Then two laid eggs after a month of not laying.
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Erinszoo, this is kind out there, but could it be a dietary thing with your goat? They say goats eat anything, but mine seems picker than most. Could your goat have tried a nibble and found something in the feathers he liked or needed for his diet?

Also, I have a chicken I had to nurse back to health after the goat ran over her. The goat was just frolicking, like goats do.
Kass, thank you for the pictures :) :). :) The boys are so dang pretty! They were Orson and Orwell but I end up calling them the Oreo boys. I do think the pullet is their full sister out of Oreo. Who knows why she's small. The little Ara girls that Manny is in with are smaller than him. Their mama was teeny, too. So he doesn't look so little to me next to them. He's truly beautiful. I never forget to admire him each and every day and tell him what a handsome boy he is.
Goats can just be mean. We had mostly nice tempered goats but 1 in particular (born here and banded at 4 wks) was a brat. If I'd have had chickens at the time I know he'd have bit them chased them and kicked them. I just never got attached to the goats like I have my chickens which is odd for me. I even bottle fed each of them. We gave every one of them away to someone my husband knows. Strange but I didn't even miss them when they were gone.
some amazing BYC
threads on South American birds - one of which is an ancestor of the auracana and was smaller - you never know when an ancient recessive gene might pop up! QUECHUA/tojuda/Ameracauna/easter eggers... is the beginningof the name of that thread.
So now we have a duck problem ... mystery of sorts.

We've always had ducks. Not sure why because we don't eat their eggs. We just love having them. And this year we finally successfully hatched some. They've done fine and we moved them out to the duck pen and all was well.

Until last week. We woke up one morning to find one of the young ducks frozen in the water pail. It had never happened to us before. We didn't think too much about it but we were sad all the same. Then two days later we found another young duck dead, this time beside the water pail but it was soaked. We still had no idea what was going on. So today we were getting ready to go to dinner and we were putting everyone up and feeding, and we discovered our male goat in the duck yard and there was yet another duck soaked and shivering in the water pail.

So the goat was locked in his pen and we rescued the duck and took her inside to a warm bath. She was so cold she was shivering and couldn't hold her head up. She was also bleeding from the beak. As we warmed her up we realized part of her feathers had been bitten off as well. I would have thought they were broken but the edges weren't ragged or uneven. They looked like they had been bitten off by something sharp.

We got her warmed up and installed her in a cage with a heat lamp for the night, doctored her beak, and she seems to be doing fine.

But now we have the mystery. Could the goat have bitten the duck or drowned the others? We've caught him in the duck yard once before eating their grain but never considered he might actually hurt them.

Anyone have experience with this? We're stumped and don't want to lose any more of our babies.

Erinszoo, this is kind out there, but could it be a dietary thing with your goat? They say goats eat anything, but mine seems picker than most. Could your goat have tried a nibble and found something in the feathers he liked or needed for his diet?

Also, I have a chicken I had to nurse back to health after the goat ran over her. The goat was just frolicking, like goats do.

That is actually a misconception goats don't eat anything they just like to put every thing in there mouths like babies they only eat certain things. When i bend over to trim there hooves on the young ones a lot of times they will grab my hair and pull it and try to inspect it the older ones don't seem to do it as much. I don't let my chickens free range and i don't have ducks so i don't have any experience with it but i have had goats for 5 years witch doesn't make me an expert by any means but I think he may not be trying to hurt the ducks he maybe just trying to figure out what they are or be trying to play with them so it may be best to keep them separated if possible or only let him near under supervision that is just my opinion.

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