***OKIES in the BYC III ***

True5 said...I have a different case now. What do you do or give a chicken with a respiratory thing going on? She is probably around 4 months old and is sneezing, drainage. I know she has had it for a super long time because the neighbor kid gave her to me. She is a little frizzle that is the bottom of the pecking order and never really had good shelter even in those really cold nights. Poor thing. I put her in a crate in the garage with a heat lamp and necessities. I use that VetRx stuff in the black bottle and supplemental vitamins. Is there anything else I should give her?

Denegard is easier to find locally than the Gallimycin. Add a little honey to the water too because the Denegard must taste bad.

Set up the other Cochin pen Tuesday . The full moon was affecting hen attitudes in the Bantam pens. Those girls have been together for months, but today they were fighting off and on all day. Then two laid eggs after a month of not laying.[/QUOTE]
This is a question for everyone actually but I pulled this down because I think it could be related. I'm telling ya, if its one thing its another this past week!!! My lav orp cockerel that was having leg issues is fine with his legs now. Figure it was an injury or the vitamins worked. So now his face is swollen and his eyes are teary. I looked up cocy.. oh shoot I cant remember the name of it but I wrote down some things that I could give him to treat it. I just don't know what YOU all would give him. I have never heard the names of the things this scientific site listed (like speaking another language). I just need to know where I can get it and the name of it. Heres a pic of his poor little face. Oh the poor boy!!! I need something I can treat ALL of my flock! Especially the bantam pen!

Poor baby! He is in a crate in the garage along with the frizzle in a separate box. He was NOT happy. The frizzle I think is happy not to be pecked on as everyone was pecking on her constantly. So much that her head is almost bald.
I promise that I am a very clean person and these things just sprang up when the neighbor kid brought his sick birds to me. I gave him back his sick birds when I saw they were sneezing and drainage but kept the frizzle and put her away. I thought since all my original birds came from him it would be ok. I never thought he was so careless and passed it off as they have a "cold". As if it was nothing. Ugh!
True5 that is something respiratory. Chickens have no room in their sinuses so respiratory problems manifest in the eyes. Could just be a cold or it could be something more serious. Treat with Tetroxy HCA, Gallimycin, or Denagard in the water or with a shot of Tylan in the breast muscle. Since you've exposed your whole flock I would suggest cutting to the chase and treating the whole flock NOW.

Pictures from this weekend, some of these are ones I added to my website:

splash Isbar

Blue Isbars

Swedish Flower Hens

Jubilee Orpington

Exchequer Leghorn

Cream Legbars

Black Isbar cockerel

Double Laced Barnevelders

BCM eggs- they are actually darker in person, I'd say they are a good 6-7.

Quote: Thanks. I don't really think he was trying to eat her or anything like that. This is the first one that seemed to be bitten. But the goats do butt at the birds if they get too near when they're eating. We try to keep them separated most of the time but our male goat is an expert at unlatching gates. It took him about two days of watching us latch and unlatch the gate to the yard before he figured out how to do it with his lips.

I'm just wondering if they could be pushing the ducks into the water pails and then when the ducks try to get out they are pushing them back in. Our ducks, strangely enough, are either stupidly social or territorial about their food and I can't figure out which. Any time anyone or anything goes near their food dish, they all crowd around and quack. It doesn't matter if it's a human, a chicken, a turkey, a goat, or a cat.

Anyway, the goat is going to stay away from the ducks for a while. We'll see if that solves the problem. Sigh.
Thanks. I don't really think he was trying to eat her or anything like that. This is the first one that seemed to be bitten. But the goats do butt at the birds if they get too near when they're eating. We try to keep them separated most of the time but our male goat is an expert at unlatching gates. It took him about two days of watching us latch and unlatch the gate to the yard before he figured out how to do it with his lips.

I'm just wondering if they could be pushing the ducks into the water pails and then when the ducks try to get out they are pushing them back in. Our ducks, strangely enough, are either stupidly social or territorial about their food and I can't figure out which. Any time anyone or anything goes near their food dish, they all crowd around and quack. It doesn't matter if it's a human, a chicken, a turkey, a goat, or a cat.

Anyway, the goat is going to stay away from the ducks for a while. We'll see if that solves the problem. Sigh.
i don't know maybe the duck was in the water pail swing and the goat wanted a drink and was pushing it around it the pail to get at the water i have seen my goats push the ice around in the water to get a better drink.
Everyone is being treated now. Thank you for the info and all the help! @Artsyrobin, it was a pleasure to meet you and I am so glad he is going to be at the chicken rescue. ;) I will be SO glad when this is all gone and everyone is healthy again. This is why you don't let the neighbor kid throw his bantams with yours even if your birds originally came from him AND quarantine all animals! I can now go tell my husband "I told you so" and watch as he puts up a quarantine pen for who ever comes home with us from auctions or anywhere else. I am so irritated.
True5 that is something respiratory. Chickens have no room in their sinuses so respiratory problems manifest in the eyes. Could just be a cold or it could be something more serious. Treat with Tetroxy HCA, Gallimycin, or Denagard in the water or with a shot of Tylan in the breast muscle. Since you've exposed your whole flock I would suggest cutting to the chase and treating the whole flock NOW.

Pictures from this weekend, some of these are ones I added to my website:

splash Isbar

Blue Isbars

Swedish Flower Hens

Jubilee Orpington

Exchequer Leghorn

Cream Legbars

Black Isbar cockerel

Double Laced Barnevelders

BCM eggs- they are actually darker in person, I'd say they are a good 6-7.

I still cant seem to pull up your site. These photos are wonderful! Your chickens are gorgeous!
That is actually a misconception goats don't eat anything they just like to put every thing in there mouths like babies they only eat certain things. When i bend over to trim there hooves on the young ones a lot of times they will grab my hair and pull it and try to inspect it the older ones don't seem to do it as much. I don't let my chickens free range and i don't have ducks so i don't have any experience with it but i have had goats for 5 years witch doesn't make me an expert by any means but I think he may not be trying to hurt the ducks he maybe just trying to figure out what they are or be trying to play with them so it may be best to keep them separated if possible or only let him near under supervision that is just my opinion.
I'm no expert by any means but have had goats all my life and never have had a problem with them around other animals. I guess it just depends on the goat. And since you didn't catch him u can't be sure. My chickens, ducks and geese all free range during the day and I have never seen the goats act aggressive toward any ot them. One of them put it's head down and pushed a chicken away from a pear that had fallen from the tree, however, the chicken was persistant and ended up eating the pear with the goat. Ya gota love those chickens, Ha Ha, I;ve seen my ducks lay down by the goats in the pasture. But I guess it certainly is possible. Lots of different personalities in animals too. It looks like you've gotten lots of good feedback. I hope the problem gets solved.
I know that goats don't actually eat everything as a general rule, but I was thinking if he took a bite like they normally do, it's possible he found something in the feathers that he might be missing in his diet. People and animals eat weird things when their dietary needs are lacking for some reason. He may not be absorbing enough keratin or need higher protein. Or he may just be an odd duck... errr... goat.... errrr duck goat.
I know that goats don't actually eat everything as a general rule, but I was thinking if he took a bite like they normally do, it's possible he found something in the feathers that he might be missing in his diet. People and animals eat weird things when their dietary needs are lacking for some reason. He may not be absorbing enough keratin or need higher protein. Or he may just be an odd duck... errr... goat.... errrr duck goat.
LOL! He must be an odd one if you are having problems with him possibly biting at a chicken. Then again he may have been at the wrong place at the wrong time and is now a suspect of the crime. She is right though. There are people who pull out their hair and eat it. Then have surgery to get the hairball out of their stomach. Or eat dirt and rocks. Too bad you can't set up a camera...
Either way good luck hun. I hope you find the culprit.

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