***OKIES in the BYC III ***

No.  When I posted in the FB groups that I was looking for hatching eggs, he immediately opened an auction- which quickly went way above my price range for hatching eggs.  So I didn't bother contacting him.  I think it went for well over $150, I stopped keeping track after that.  I paid $75 for the 18 I ordered, but phew to only have one surviving chick for that... I would much rather order chicks but still looking for the right place to get them from.

I have a box of Spitzhabens coming from Greenfire Farms tomorrow!  Hope they do better than the last batch they sent.

Keep watch on those auctions. I've seen them go for under $30 before.
For those that raise bantam cochins.... I got 2 chicks I picked up 2 weeks ago,they are at that feathered wings/baby fuzz body stage. Single comb is tiny and colorless. Sounds like I got 2 girls, right?
WHOOOOOT!!! I was getting ready to post my hopes that she get better, but I'll post fingers crossed that she keep improving, instead!

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