***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Oh goodness, I am certainly the pot calling the kettle black. I got a new breeding pen today, plus a new breed of chicks and then and then....some freakin peacock eggs! Not even for me, I said, for a friend, I said....and here I am looking up about peacocks... Thanks, @muesky for your enabling! and @mjgigax too...
i would love some peacocks but the coyotes would probably eat them and my DH wouldn't build me a pen that big lol.
Quote: Yes, the native birds made me crazy over the winter. It's a new coop style that has me wondering. I have to raise the entire roof to get in. I'm not sure I want to do that everyday for two coops. On the other hand I'd have to crawl into the dog house to replenish food. Not crazy about the wear and tear on my knees.
looks like I'll still wind up doing feed and water for several separate pens each day.
My partridge penedesenca hatch is finished. I set 10, removed 4 clears, and had 6 make it to lockdown. On hatch day one light chick (probably male) and two dark chicks (probably female) hatched standing up. I left the other three in for two more days, but they didn't pip. I opened the shells today after I cleaned the incubator. One had horribly misshapen feet, almost clubs. The other two looked normal, but they never made their way into the air sac. They seemed small. I'm thinking they stopped growing before lockdown.

Here's a photo of the "take a swim" dance : ) The goslings are staying in the A-Frame tonight. I put a travel tote with shavings in it towards the back of the pen. I hope they use it. This will be their first night in the great outdoors.
She is adorable! I'm sure her demonstration was inspiring!
Robin, when I move newly-hatched chicks (from under a hen) to a brooder, I dust them lightly with Sevin. I put a small amount in the palm of one hand and roll them around in it, being careful to not get any in their eyes. I've never had a problem with that. I didn't do this new batch--guess I've gotten too complacent since I rarely see mites anymore. Used to occasionally have a chick with mites, and they can do a brand-new chick in fairly quickly.

I also accidentally tipped over a container of Ivermectin (generic Ivomec), and it poured directly on the head of a chick that was less than a month old. Doused it thoroughly. No problem with that either, but I wouldn't recommend it!
Thanks Betsy, I gave mama a bath, she was totally infested, changed litter, sprinkled poultry dust and de in there, she is much more active now, and the babies are too. Its good to know you can baptize them and not kill them...
@hotcurltr that chocolate muscovy hen waits for me to open up the chicken coop in the morning so she can lay an egg in the corner. She's got her heart set on that spot.
is anyone else having format issues on byc? i have these little chicken markers all over the page- thought at first they were tweet birds...

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