***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I keep seeing pictures of lavender orpingtons.. we must have some! we just got the brinsea incubator in and am willing to hatch some. and am also looking for a polish, prefer a frizzle, for my wife for our anniversary. I much prefer to keep it local in Oklahoma and don't really want to have eggs shipped. can anyone accommodate? my chicken addiction has spread to my entire family. in central Oklahoma, but willing to travel

I also have a partridge bantam cochin roo, got two of them in a trade. one is already spoken for, and then there is the other one. Free roosters, that we didn't need have ended up costing me. one of them started gurgling while breathing and had a runny nose. after some research on here, found out the issue, got the meds, learned how to give a chicken a shot, and a week of injections later, he is all better. they also came with lice, which I treated for right before we got them with poultry protector and they came from a good home and I didn't keep them separate. we will be treating for that today after church. none the less, we have had this cochin roo in a box in our boys bathroom (boys stink worse than chickens) and through the process of doctoring him up, my wife has gotten very attached to him, he still stays inside still, you know...just in case he is not feeling up to going out in the heat, and he crows every morning. and I look over and my wife is smiling in bed at 0600 in the morning on the weekend because Bach (she named him) makes her happy. after this round of hot weather he will be moving outside
I keep seeing pictures of lavender orpingtons.. we must have some!

I look over and my wife is smiling in bed at 0600 in the morning on the weekend because Bach (she named him) makes her happy. after this round of hot weather he will be moving outside

I love the sound of roosters crowing in the morning, and when I had one inside while he was healing, it was a fabulous way to wake up. I'm pretty sure a rooster's crow is one of those ways you can use to identify a really good person. ;)

Rebecca and MJ, weren't those lavender orps we got in Coweta? Are you love, love, loving yours? I named mine Porschia, because she's sleek, silvery gray and really sweet.

Coral that pic is priceless! I'll try to bring my grandbabies to Coweta. Maybe Evi and Mikaela will warm up to each other faster this time.

I use my mobile for internet and just started having display issues with BYC last week. I had to go into my settings and disable forced autozoom to get the site to display correctly.
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I keep seeing pictures of lavender orpingtons.. we must have some! we just got the brinsea incubator in and am willing to hatch some. and am also looking for a polish, prefer a frizzle, for my wife for our anniversary. I much prefer to keep it local in Oklahoma and don't really want to have eggs shipped. can anyone accommodate? my chicken addiction has spread to my entire family. in central Oklahoma, but willing to travel

I also have a partridge bantam cochin roo, got two of them in a trade. one is already spoken for, and then there is the other one. Free roosters, that we didn't need have ended up costing me.  one of them started gurgling while breathing and had a runny nose. after some research on here, found out the issue, got the meds, learned how to give a chicken a shot, and a week of injections later, he is all better. they also came with lice, which I treated for right before we got them with poultry protector and they came from a good home and I  didn't keep them separate. we will be treating for that today after church. none the less, we have had this cochin roo in a box in our boys bathroom (boys stink worse than chickens) and through the process of doctoring him up, my wife has gotten very attached to him, he still stays inside still, you know...just in case he is not feeling up to going out in the heat, and he crows every morning. and I look over and my wife is smiling in bed at 0600 in the morning on the weekend because Bach (she named him) makes her happy. after this round of hot weather he will be moving outside

I have some polish frizzles in the incubator. They are due to hatch May 21st. They are shipped eggs so I'm crossing my fingers for a successful hatch
Yeah. They just started this behavior, for some reason. They'll do the jump-and-spur move, and Van Helsing has some pretty long spurs. I need to google spur trimming.

You can cut a small potato in half, warm well in the microwave or oven, stick the spur into the potato let sit for 5 minutes. The heat and moisture will loosen the outter sheath of the spur leaving the living part. a slight twist and pull the outter sheath comes right off.
Second option good dog toe nail trimmers, or a dremel works very good too. Some large fowl you may want to use a small hack saw with a metal blade.
If you cut the spur do not go too deep, they can bleed. If the spur is bleeding flour works very good for blood stop.
Jcatblum, I think I bought the pot of 'Salvia Black and Blue' from you at POOPS last year.  I loved it, as I knew I would, and until today, I thought it didn't make it through the winter.  If you are coming to POOPS in Tahlequah in June, I'd love to buy more from you and would be willing to pay quite a bit more than you charged last year.  Hope you read this, and further, that you'll come to POOPS!  Is your daughter still raising guinea fowl?  I've had an inquiry about adults or keets at POOPS.
I'll bring some more. I love it too. I have 2 large plants, from the original that I bought years ago, and they have several off shoots.
I plan on bringing quite a few different plants, basil, more white violets, chocolate mint and some succulents
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Thanks Betsy, I gave mama a bath, she was totally infested, changed litter, sprinkled poultry dust and de in there, she is much more active now, and the babies are too. Its good to know you can baptize them and not kill them...

is anyone else having format issues on byc? i have these little chicken markers all over the page- thought at first they were tweet birds...

I'm not, but for somereason it is taking forever to download anything on this site today.

@hotcurltr that chocolate muscovy hen waits for me to open up the chicken coop in the morning so she can lay an egg in the corner. She's got her heart set on that spot.
Sounds just like her mama. Her mama prefered being w/ the chickens during nesting so she was hatched in the chicken coop

I keep seeing pictures of lavender orpingtons.. we must have some! we just got the brinsea incubator in and am willing to hatch some. and am also looking for a polish, prefer a frizzle, for my wife for our anniversary. I much prefer to keep it local in Oklahoma and don't really want to have eggs shipped. can anyone accommodate? my chicken addiction has spread to my entire family. in central Oklahoma, but willing to travel

I also have a partridge bantam cochin roo, got two of them in a trade. one is already spoken for, and then there is the other one. Free roosters, that we didn't need have ended up costing me. one of them started gurgling while breathing and had a runny nose. after some research on here, found out the issue, got the meds, learned how to give a chicken a shot, and a week of injections later, he is all better. they also came with lice, which I treated for right before we got them with poultry protector and they came from a good home and I didn't keep them separate. we will be treating for that today after church. none the less, we have had this cochin roo in a box in our boys bathroom (boys stink worse than chickens) and through the process of doctoring him up, my wife has gotten very attached to him, he still stays inside still, you know...just in case he is not feeling up to going out in the heat, and he crows every morning. and I look over and my wife is smiling in bed at 0600 in the morning on the weekend because Bach (she named him) makes her happy. after this round of hot weather he will be moving outsi
There are several of the breeds u are looking for on some of the facebook poultry pages for Oklahoma. I think Feathered Friends of Southern Ok have several of both kinds. I don't know how to put the sites on here for you. but I know several others do and will do it for you. Oklahoma Poultry , Cental ok. poultry, etc.

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