***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Rinda, yes, it is difficult to find the veins in that black skin. I really appreciate my tester (he's done my birds for a number of years) and he additionally swabs for Avian Influenza, so it is helpful to know for certain the flock is clean. They have found AI in the U.S. fairly recently. I think in the Pacific NW. The concern is that water fowl will spread it on their fly routes as they migrate back and forth.

I am in awe of your testing your birds by yourself! That's quite a job. How many guineas must you test?

KYZMETTE, I sympathize with what you're going through with your mother. Mom didn't do things like that, but there was a lot else to put up with! Stay strong!

I only have a mixed guinea flock of 12, and only 13 ducks. Not so bad as long as I pen them before hand.

Yes it is spreading along the migratory bird pathways. Right now it's staying on the west coast- but once those birds cross the pathways of the central migratory birds it could totally come this way. Scary. The waterfowl seem to be like Typhoid Marys- carriers that are not really affected but it devastates chicken/turkey/etc flocks when they get it. I'm really glad our pond is so small that it doesn't attract waterfowl. Doesn't mean we are safe- never hurts to be careful.

Because they were not of laying age I didn't have to have the guineas tested? I shipped some day old keets to California.

Not sure who or what you're asking? Every state has regulations about shipping live birds because of the diseases they can carry, and each state can decide which tests must be performed to ship to their state. T/P is standard, but some also require A/I or Mycoplasma or others. CAN you ship without the testing? Probably, as long as no one checks the box for the proper paperwork or NPIP numbers. Just be aware if they stop a shipment and/or return it, it is totally within their right if you didn't follow the rules.

If you are saying you got your npip certification before the guineas were of an age to be tested, as long as they were on your property when the testing was completed and you listed guineas on your NPIP paperwork I believe you are fine shipping them under your NPIP number.
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Jeansrie, in addition to bathing and combing, most trim and file nails and beaks if they need it. We also generally take our "grooming kits" to the shows so we can clean off any poo and comb out to make them look better. We also use a Q-tip and put VetRX on their beaks, legs and feet. It makes them look cleaner, but also apparently gives them some slight protection from things they might breathe in (at least that's what I was told).

I wonder if we know the same two people, including a junior that will be showing?

I remember meeting you, but won't guarantee I'll recognize you when I see you!

Looking forward to it.

I'm bringing only a young paint showgirl roo and maybe a young paint hen to sell. I've cut down to the point that I haven't anything else I need to sell, unless chicks hatch in the next couple of days.

Thanks for the pointers!!
How did you keep from getting sprayed??
The skunk was full and content. She had consumed most of the eggs in the nest box. I spoke in monotone the whole time I was moving her from the chicken tractor to the live trap, and I didn't make any sudden moves. I didn't poke or prod her: instead, I talked to her until she walked into the trap on her own. I lifted the end of the live trap a couple of times before I dragged it to the sheet of tin. With a non-threatening approach, she didn't feel the need to protect herself with her stinky rear end.

I may have an issue developing in my hand tonight. I was trying to figure out gender of some of the grow out rabbits today for deciding who was going to freezer camp. One of them scratched my hand. The scratch isn't bad, but it is disproportionately painful for it's size. Wonder if rabbits have any issues like cat scratch infection issues? Guess time will tell.
How is your hand? I'd see a doctor if you detect any signs of infection.
The skunk was full and content.  She had consumed most of the eggs in the nest box.  I spoke in monotone the whole time I was moving her from the chicken tractor to the live trap, and I didn't make any sudden moves. I didn't poke or prod her: instead, I talked to her until she walked into the trap on her own. I lifted the end of the live trap a couple of times before I dragged it to the sheet of tin.   With a non-threatening approach, she didn't feel the need to protect herself with her stinky rear end.

That's precisely how to deal with a mean dog, too. I think things like that are just instinct to certain people. At least he didn't get any of your birds.
I got this message from someone I sold chicks to and I'm kinda freaking out. They are 1 week old now.

Been acting lethargic, struggling to breathe, not accepting food or water, sleeping constantly since late last night, now there's yellow runny poop continuing to come out its bottom, doesn't matter how many times I clean it off it keeps coming back.

Any ideas anyone? I was thinking coccidiosis but I've never had 1 that young have it. I'm so afraid of something bacterial. I don't know what I'll do.
Here's an image of the chicks bottom/poop:

Also, as of right now it's just 1 chick out of 11.
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I got this message from someone I sold chicks to and I'm kinda freaking out. They are 1 week old now.

Been acting lethargic, struggling to breathe, not accepting food or water, sleeping constantly since late last night, now there's yellow runny poop continuing to come out its bottom, doesn't matter how many times I clean it off it keeps coming back.

Any ideas anyone? I was thinking coccidiosis but I've never had 1 that young have it. I'm so afraid of something bacterial. I don't know what I'll do.

I'd definItely treat for coccidia. Could it be a food change?

I'm not sure if a food change would cause that but it's likely we fed different things. The poor chick died and so far the others look ok but I'm kinda freaking out about it.

Failure to thrive could also be a possibility. Coccidiosis treatment won't hurt the rest of the babies. Are they on medicated chick starter?
How are they housed? If she is using wood shavings, the chick could have ingested some causing internal issues.

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