***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I had a local farmer that I spoke with, Friday, bring up something, that really hadn't crossed my mind, previously. Had I still been in California, where everyone is SO litigious, and everything is so highly regulated, it probably would have been in the forefront of my mind. But, here in Oklahoma, honestly, I hadn't thought of it, until she brought it up.
Selling eggs for eating purposes. What happens if someone gets sick, and sues? For the little bit of money one can pocket, for selling eating eggs, is it even worth it, to sell eggs?
I was starting to do so, then found a local lady with a few HUGE cabinet incubators, and very few chickens. She doesn't want to part with the incubators and hatchers, so, we worked a deal, where I bring her all of the eggs that we don't eat ourselves, she'll hatch them out, we split the hatch, and sell the chicks. At worst, we wind up with more chickens than we need, and eat more chicken dinners.
So, I've really found my own solution to the problem that this lady presented to me, but, it did get me to thinking. I'm just wondering if anyone has ever heard of any scenarios, like she described, where someone got sick, and sued the seller of eggs? With the mindset of Oklahomans, would that even be an issue? Most Okie's I know, are pretty self-sufficient folks, and have no inclination to get rich, in the 21st century manner, via lawsuit. Though, I'm sure they are out there.
From my research... when we looked into selling eggs at a farmer's market- you are right, there are real possible issues there. One way around it is to label the eggs "Hatching eggs- not for consumption." If someone eats them- it's on them, you told them not to eat them. ;) Otherwise you have to follow the FDA guidelines for handling and storing eggs, food handlers permit, etc. At least for the farmer's market we looked at.

I was dreading my birthday this month. Drum Roll Please . . . . . . . . My husband is taking me to Pinot's Palette to paint, wait for it.... A Rooster!

He's never expressed any interest in painting. This is going to be a birthday celebration to remember : ) We'll have two paintings to remind us of our easel time together.

He's beautiful! And what a fabulous birthday outing! Hope you enjoy it!
Teri!! I STILL have those 4 Orloff girls from you. Talk about healthy girls :) And your sister at Four Corners-I just love her! She neuters all my rabbits and she's super good at it.
I wish you all the best luck in keeping your birds.

Mitzi! I'm so glad to hear the girls are still living the good life. :) I know they couldn't have gotten a better home. So glad to hear you have met my sister. She was strictly a large animal vet for years, but I think deep down, she loves helping the little ones even more. Her favorite surgery to talk about is fixing a bunny's penis. lol She's also found out she loves chickens. I enabled her to get her own little flock a couple of years ago, and I swear she turned into a chicken lady in no time, lol. Her hubby was just as bad. They had a hen that rode on the feed bucket while they carried it around feeding the dogs. Unfortunately, the neighbors have a dog that visits and has wiped out her chickens. Probably time to restock, thinking I need to drag her to Stillwater to the auction some Saturday so she can get some new girls. :)
I talked to the code officer, and he has no intentions of visiting to make sure I get rid of the hens. But he does want me to try to get the code changed, so I will. No civil disobedience for me... unless they say no. :D Glad to hear from you!
Has anyone else noticed production has dropped a little in the past week or so? I'm going to keep everyone locked up for most of today to see if they are just finding "better" places to lay. Last time one went rogue, I found about 6 eggs in an old MG Midget. Actually, we would be happy to part with 2 '73 midgets if anyone is interested. CHEAP!
Love this! I'd invite myself along, but crashing a date isn't what a friend does, unless it's a blind date and you get a 'GET ME OUT OF HERE!!' text from her. I'll keep my phone with me just in case, though. ;) Is anybody going to the Coweta auction this Friday?
Beautiful day today.

Anyone interested in Cochin chicks? Send a PM to csokiechick because she and her parents have been hatching LF Cochins. The have about 30 chicks. Some are 5 weeks old and some are a week old. The chicks are hatched from eggs from the Black hens they purchased from Bo Garrett and a cock bird from my Big Blue Cock and a Blue hen. The chicks will be Black and Blue. She also has some Delaware Bantam and some OEGB chicks in those same ages.

Ill go pull some photos they posted on Facebook.
Okay...here are the parents and a few chicks

what would cause a hen to swing it's head around i have a video but don't know how to post one. What are the symptoms of a compacted crop?

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