***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Robin, sorry you lost Mumbles.  I've given up worrying about every bird that dies without anything obvious, if it is only one out of a pen.  Just as with humans and other animals, there are any number of things that can cause death. 

So sorry about Mumbles...I agree with Betsy. It is still hard when one is a special bird.
I have a Cochin hen with a slow foot this morning like Mumbles. I'm giving her vitamins since everything else about her checks out okay. Wonder if that could be his issue.

Hello fellow Okies! I'm wondering, when do you all recommend start incubating this year? I've been somewhat successful last fall, but thanks to my daughter secretly slipping a few eggs in the incubator I had some hatching in december. They are alive and well, just seems like it's tougher on them.

I hatch all year.  ;)  If I had a choice, I would start incubating mid March.  So once the babies are old enough to go outside it will be warm enough they won't need any heat.

I usually begin using the incubators about the 3rd week in February when night time temperature reach 40. That being said, I'm hatching right now...at least the 4 big hens and the 6 Bantam hens are brooding eggs for me. These are fertility check eggs for the breed pens and the prolific Bantam breeders.
I'm going to do some trimming on the Wyandotte since candling yesterday resulted in some clears.

Hey Everyone!
    Long time lurker, finally joined..... Extreme South Central Oklahoma checking in. Just wanted to say HI to everyone.

:welcome to the neighborhood. What kinds of birds do you have?
Good morning! My husband and I bought a farm in Eastern Oklahoma and will be moving there in two weeks from deep south Texas. We had to sell off all of our livestock and will be starting over again. I miss my chickens and ducks so bad! But I am glad to have more space for more chickens. I do have a serious chicken addiction problem....
Glad you found us
Thanks Lightfoot! Figured time to stop lurking lol

Howdy Doc. Welcome and glad you joined
Hiya CLS, glad to be here.

to the neighborhood. What kinds of birds do you have?
Hey NanaKat,
At the moment just a small flock of Brown Red Ameraucanas that is left from a much larger flock that has dwindled over the last few years.10 Black Australorp chicks in the brooder- that were to "keep company" one small Ameraucana a broody hen hatched out but only survived a few days. Also, I have a small breeding flock of Midget White Turkeys.

Have 75 various Heritage chicks arriving in March- trying to develop my own crosses for meat. Ancona ducks arriving about 6 weeks after them. Plan on getting some JMF Jumbo Coturnix sometime between March and August, whenever I have time to hatch them out.
Good morning! My husband and I bought a farm in Eastern Oklahoma and will be moving there in two weeks from deep south Texas. We had to sell off all of our livestock and will be starting over again. I miss my chickens and ducks so bad! But I am glad to have more space for more chickens. I do have a serious chicken addiction problem....

Hello RareBreed,
Glad to hear you are moving here Hate to hear you had to get rid of all of them. But like you said... now you can have more!
While its technically 2 weeks away, I'm going to go ahead and say Welcome To Oklahoma!

Good morning!  My husband and I bought a farm in Eastern Oklahoma and will be moving there in two weeks from deep south Texas. We had to sell off all of our livestock and will be starting over again.  I miss my chickens and ducks so bad!  But I am glad to have more space for more chickens. I do have a serious chicken addiction problem....

Welcome to Oklahoma where chicken math is law lol
Thanks for the welcome! I am excited to move and anxious to start again with animals. It's a whole different world in OK than way down here my area of Texas. Looking forward to less humidity for sure!
Less Humidity for sure! One thing I will say is if you don't like the weather here.... Wait 5 minutes. Lol. But seriously, I think you will enjoy it here. The weather is pretty manageable and the people are the best. I will advise do yourself a favor and grab a NOAA weather radio and pay attention to the weather during the Season. Aside from the Greater OKC metro area we don't get as many Tornadoes as a lot of people think- but you sure don't want to get caught off guard. Not to give you a scare or anything, I know SE-SC Texas get them too it's just a friendly reminder I toss to anyone moving here.

Have you decided yet what kind of chickens or other fowl you are gonna look at getting?


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