***OKIES in the BYC III ***

"sustainablog"has some interesting ideas on rocket stoves. I'm going to use one to heat my shop next winter.
I've not gone out but I imagine the baby fruit is gone. It got pretty cold here.

Cool thx
I've really enjoyed this project. Had frost out this morning but no wind and lots of sun so it wasn't too bad
Closely checking the fruit trees shows some minor damage to the fruit set. Sometimes the best fruit comes when a freeze does a natural thinning for us. :fl

Pulled a few carrots from the bed seeded last fall. Nice and tender. Still getting turnips that aren't bolting. Will pull them all and can the greens. The turnips will keep in the crisper in the fridge. The tough turnips will go into the food processor for the birds. Will freeze some for summer treats for them too....always need a tastey ice block when it's hot outside.
@BetsyOK what color is this boy??? I only have two pens, BBS and paint/white. I THINK it came from the paint rooster but I'm not sure. Thought it was a paint or splash baby when it hatched but has really started coming in with color. I could be misremembering what he looked like as a baby. Off color blue? Is this champagne? I think he's about 3 1/2 months old.

Edit: The pictures don't capture his color well. In person it is like a brownish blue.

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Does anyone know of any processors for chickens here in oklahoma? I would like to raise my own meat birds this year and I don't mind processing a few myself but I'm thinking about doing enough for the year chickens and maybe turkeys.
Glad she is still hanging in there.  What about Pheonix?
Pheonix is doing well and has been released into the general population.
It's windy here today. I gave the free-rangers a handful of floating catfish food as a snack when I went to check the new capons. Here's Leon, my gift rooster from Mitzi. Has anyone heard from her lately?
Does anyone know of any processors for chickens here in oklahoma? I would like to raise my own meat birds this year and I don't mind processing a few myself but I'm thinking about doing enough for the year chickens and maybe turkeys.

Shelley Lynch down in Checotah is getting a poultry processing plant up and going. I'm not sure where her website went, it didn't pull up on google, but she has a facebook page for their place. They've been doing some "test processing" this month so hopefully soon! I know a friend of mine contacted her and they arranged to run her birds as one of their test runs so she may be able to do some now but I know by summer they want to be running full steam.


EDIT: found the website: http://www.3fspoultryandrabbitprocessing.com/
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