***OKIES in the BYC III ***

JCat: Glad you came through surgery okay.
Greybear: Sorry to hear you had to get rid of your pigeons.
Poco: Glad the little babe is doing better.

Don't remember who said they had to have another back surgery, but I hope that goes well. kinda scary.

Dominique pullet, third place.

Dominique cockerel, third place.

Bantam Cochin cock, first cock, best variety. (Don't tell my 5 yo that he was the only one in the buff variety!)

Dominique cockerel, first place, Reserve of Breed, Youth Division. I didn't show this bird, but I bred him.
Or recovering from the Shawnee show and company, and getting ready for the holidays!
Recovering from one show getting ready for the next in Northern California in a few weeks, then playing catch up at work since I took the weekend off, Monday was 21 hrs on the clock + drive time my shortest day this week looks like 16 hrs unless I squeeze in a 12 on saturday or sunday but a 12 hr day is not looking likely.
Went and picked up another pair of BB Red rosecombs this morning from the post office and must admit I am looking forward to adding these two into the breeding program.
I am off and running yet again so everyone stay warm and safe, I need to go feed, water, check on everyone, move eggs to the hatcher, set eggs, then get to work by 4 so I have a full day yet.

New bantam Dominique trio I bought from Fred Farthing of MO.

Pretty silkie hen I bought from BetsyOK at the show.

I took four birds, sold a trio and brought home five birds. That's the way it's supposed to work, right?
Okay fellow Okies, I'm looking for anyone who has white leghorns. I'm wanting to get some eggs but I only want 3 or 4 hens so I was hoping somebody here in Oklahoma might have some eggs they'd be willing to share with me.

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