***OKIES in the BYC III ***

We made it home. Roads are defintely better in OKC than South. It was 9 hrs., (normally 5 1/2) for a 3 hr. visit.
MJ glad to hear you made it home safely. We didn't get much snow but lots of ice. The power flashed a few times but never went off. The wood stove is working hard to keep the house warm. We usually can bank it back at night and get up with the house still in the 70's but this morning it was 65 degs. in there to cold for me, lol. Took 3 trips outside yesterday to keep water for the birds. It was frozen every time we went out I felt bad for them and the darn guineas where do I start with them, lol. They were out moving in one big group but didn't have the good sence to get in out of the cold. I left the feed house open so they could get in it out of the snow and wind but did they do that? Nope just ran around the yard fussing and then roosted in the trees, dumb birds.

The roads weren't to bad this morning in Shawnee just bridges that had really any ice. Hwy 102 north of hwy 62 hadn't been treated so that took me extra time to get to work but glad it was just that 6 miles of icey stuff.

Hopefully everyone is getting through this cold snap, I know Nathanael's little Mr. Red is loving the heat lamp in their hoop house. I went out to feed yesterday and he was up roosting by it just "sunning" himself, lol. He didn't care what his hens were doing as long as he could sit in the heat.
I'm in for a second cup of coffee. Maybe this is my third
. . . The side porch thermometer reads 18 degrees. With the wind, it feels like zero.

I wasn't expecting any eggs this morning, but I was surprised by my Cornish girls: four eggs, frozen solid. I pulled the shells off and dropped the eggs into the dish the barn cats use. The kittens are licking them. Watching them reminded me of the old Tootsi Pop commercials: How many licks does it take to get to the center (of an egg sickle)? Coffee's gone. Better finish the rest of the pens.

Take care, everyone. It's cold, windy, and slick out there.
morning every one- 18 degrees, windchill of 7- none of the fluffies are going out- fed and watered, we got a couple inches of snow, pretty to look at from inside a warm house! The younger guineas didn't know what to make of it, and just want to put some socks on their feet!

and these guys were practicing their stink eyes, they weren't impressed with that white stuff


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