***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I need to work on making some added space to start seeds but really have none now. I have a lot of success w/ beating the squash bugs, the girls (chickens) help me alot. There are several feed stores w/i 10 miles of my house that sell seeds in bulk cheap. Those work for the basics for sure, unless I get a bee in my bonnet to try something fancy.
How do you get them to eat the squash bugs and not the other stuff in the garden? Mine just think "ooh a buffet, I'll have a bite of this.. and of that... and some of this.. oooh all of that..."
Well thank you Coral, we are the happy owners of some wonderful milk goats now!!! The first milking was an experience, seeing as how I aint milked a goat in uuuuuhhh 25-30 years, but we got it figured out, the goats were very patient with me. Robin, thank you so much for Lucky!!! He is beautiful and we will pick out a couple nice Americauna hens to go with him, my wife loves him!!! I t has been a full day! Coral and Robin, thanks again!!! Lynn
How do you get them to eat the squash bugs and not the other stuff in the garden? Mine just think "ooh a buffet, I'll have a bite of this.. and of that... and some of this.. oooh all of that..."
I plant my squash seperate from the stuff they like to eat, a couple of the smartest most helpful of my girls (now minus Yeta the wonder chicken
) get to come in the squash area w/ me. I water the base of the squash plant stems and the squash bugs start climbing and the girls feast. They have never shown any interest in the squash plants or leaves at all, they leave the area w/ me when the squash bug feast is over. I do not plant my tomatoes in those areas however they will eat a few mouthfuls out of each and every tomato!!!!!
Blanchard is having their regular scheduled auction this Saturday starting @5. Jerry said it is the last Saturday in April that there will be no auction.
I'm going to try that this year. Beats hand picking them all off and trying to feed them out of a bucket to the chickens. A couple of my barred rock girls are pretty attentive to things, maybe I can get them on board with this bug picking thing. I'd try my turkeys but I'm afraid they would damage the stem picking off the bugs. They're a little more forceful.

Hopefully my computer is going to play for awhile now. It kept shutting down on me in the middle of everything. We thought we might have a virus but then it was telling us it couldn't connect to something in the windows realm so we tried to check that and then it even was shutting down in safe mode which made us think it was not an operating system problem. Since we weren't having problems before our son came home for spring break and plugged in his Wii U and computer and things to the same outlet, we had him unplug everything. Then the computer worked better however, it still shut down after a little while. So then we looked up stuff on the internet and decided maybe it was overheating. It was suggested to clean out the fan and the cooling fins so we started blowing through the fins and OMG. I could have planted half a garden bed in all the dust that came out. The computer now seems to be working much better.
Lynn - Mom and I had a wonderful time today. Thank you for showing us around. I sent you a PM with some info on feeding and milking.

Robin - Lucky was looking around, crowing, testing the new roost, and acting like he was The Man. I have a feeling he will be doing the happy dance for some lovely hens soon.

It's sleeting here. I'm worn out and need to recharge before driving Mom home tomorrow. I hope everyone enjoys what's left of the Spring Break weekend.
Lynn - Mom and I had a wonderful time today. Thank you for showing us around. I sent you a PM with some info on feeding and milking.

Robin - Lucky was looking around, crowing, testing the new roost, and acting like he was The Man. I have a feeling he will be doing the happy dance for some lovely hens soon.

It's sleeting here. I'm worn out and need to recharge before driving Mom home tomorrow. I hope everyone enjoys what's left of the Spring Break weekend.
Glad lucky will be with lynn and would love some pics - he is a special roo!

we had sleet this morning, what a shock after the warmer weather!

girls are picking up laying, there for a bit was only getting a a few eggs-
I have a hen with a purple comb and she is sneezing, no other symptoms . Anyone have a clue as to what her problem might be.
First off, a big
here on the Okie thread.

I don't know if this will help. I have lost some that were like that. The picture of good health one day, like you described the next and gone just a short time later. Not much you can do about it.
Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.

Could be several things wrong with her. The purple comb tells me that she may be having circulation problems. Not a strong enough BP to supply the need.

If it's a dry sneeze, she may be having trouble breathing, not getting enough oxygen, giving the purple comb.

If there are no other symptoms, I personally wouldn’t medicate. However, it it’s a wet sneeze, or her eyes are puffy or watery, I’d start her on meds immediately.

I have a banty rooster that was like what you described this winter. Just stood around hardly moving. Once I even thought I was gonna loose him. I just made sure he ate and drank. All I did was to add vitamins to his water, and now he started coming out of it. He’s getting most of his energy & color back and is crowing again. Even got into a fight with another rooster yesterday.

Best of luck with your hen.

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