***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Quote: well, from what i have read nystatin should work, also suggested is copper sulfate, but that can be toxic, it is helping him some, the nystatin, but he sure hates it
I use to use a q-tip and ACV on my kids when they got thrush, I would assume it would work on birds, swab the mouth and put some in the water.....
that would be the organic ACV right?
Yes if they are very young (like less then 3 or 4 days) sometimes they get into the waterer and will drown. Some people think it's because it's like being back in the egg- they want to be wet and warm again! Raising the waterer will probably help. I put small glass beads (you could use marbles) into the waterer for the first few days so they can drink the water from the cracks but not drown.
Hi! I'm new here...saw and visited with lots of folks at Newcastle auction last Saturday and it was like a family reunion, had a blast. Thought I'd pop in here and just say hey to everyone else.

Had a ton of messages from several of you...answered most...my apologies for not responding until now. This is the first time I've logged into the BYC for some time.

Soooo, this spring is already busy...we have eggs hatching all shapes and sizes, chicks of all shapes, sizes, and ages on the ground...and putting eggs in the post every week.

Michael D has been wanting me to post some pics of some of the birds we have...perhaps soon.

Ya'all take care...and I'll try to pop in more frequent.
Wow it really hailed in Edmond! Fourteen inch drifts in some areas. Hope everyone is doing OK. Tomorrow we are cleaning out our big workshop. It has become a big catch all for all sorts of leftover projects etc. It will be several days before we are through...makes me tired thinking about it. One great thought...only a week till POOPS!!
Bill awesome to see you posting! Sad you can't make it to poops this yr. would love to see what all you have been working on.

Nana I will have to talk soap w you at poops. Girls & I have been enjoying soap & lotion making. My Nubian is back in milk, so lots more reason to make more soap!
Hope everyone stayed safe during The storms! we had a tornado go through our town with no updates on the news or warnings. Minimal damages and no one was hurt thank the Lord
Bill awesome to see you posting! Sad you can't make it to poops this yr. would love to see what all you have been working on.

Nana I will have to talk soap w you at poops. Girls & I have been enjoying soap & lotion making. My Nubian is back in milk, so lots more reason to make more soap!

I currently use dr Bronners soap, and use coconut oil for lotion, but I would love a recipe for a natural homemade soap. ;)
I currently use dr Bronners soap, and use coconut oil for lotion, but I would love a recipe for a natural homemade soap.
I have been thinking of trying to make some goats milk soap my dd has eczema i read that i could be helpful and since i have the goats milk i though i would give it a try.

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