***OKIES in the BYC III ***

There's a tornado on the ground heading towards Meeker I hope Nana and everyone close has a place to go, it's the same storm that just hit Moore they are saying it is 2 to 3 times worse than the May 3rd damage
Thanks for the good thoughts. Our cellar was flooded from the recent rains and so we loaded up and left home when the tornado was headed to Meeker from Jacktown. We circled back thru Prague and I40 back to Shawnee and then home. The tornado had turned slightly north above us. When we pulled into the driveway the chickens were out freeranging...made us both chuckle.

Our hearts go out to the families that have lost family members..especially all those children in the school. The property losses are tremendous, but the loss of a family member is devastating.

Has anyone heard from folks around Newcastle...there were 40 homes damaged there too.
just heard a tornado near westville, anyone know if Joe is ok??

we had some serious storms go through, looks like more will be coming in-

check in if you can folks! my relatives in moore checked in, they are ok
we are all fine storm moved right over but blew though quickly thanks for checking in on me
So I went out to our guinea pen this mourning ( if u know what a guinea is it is an African bird) and one of them is limping and his leg is sticking strait out, but I let him out to free range anyway and he flew strait to a tree . Do any of u know what I can do I will post a pick tomorrow thanks .
how is the guinea? i have found with mine they seem to heal quickly, depends on the injury- didn't want your post lost.. have you checked the guinea thread? if you are on faceook, there is a good guinea info group too
how is the guinea? i have found with mine they seem to heal quickly, depends on the injury- didn't want your post lost.. have you checked the guinea thread? if you are on faceook, there is a good guinea info group too
today I went out and their is a bunch of splinters sticking out of its leg. And is all swollen up.
Does anyone have Old English Game Banty's? My cousins Inlaws who lost their house lost everylast one he had... He had close to 50.. When i went to help them sift through the rubble i found over 20 dead by what used to be their house... And there were many more dead in yards down the street... He's older and retired and the first thing he said to me was, "they're all gone... All of them...".. Its easy to say Old English Bantys were his little hobby... And i was wondering if anyone would be able to donate some to him when they get relocated and settled in...

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