***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Sure is a pretty day today. Good day to get caught up on some chores in the hen house. I need to clean cages and wash feeders and water containers. Sunshine is nice! Chickens are out enjoying it.

PocoPolo ...my only suggestion for babysitting the grandgirls is nap when they do! Oh, making play dough during the week for them to play with is an easy cost effective project. Even my little grandsons enjoy playing with it.
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You do not have to see a tax expert to get a tax exemption.... before we ran cattle, we applied for tax exemption for the poultry in our backyard (ranch) as livestock (which they are) from our county courthouse. It was as easy as filling out a form.

Of course, now with the cattle, we do use a tax expert...but that is a whole different can of worms!
Had a bad asthma attack this morning, been just sitting around trying to let my lungs recover. Just took a slow stroll to the chicken coop and back. Didn't get winded but my lungs are burning and heavy again.
Bless your heart! I don't know if it will work for you, but a friend of mine will drink ice cold water and she said that helps when she feels an asthma attack coming on. Just thought I would share because I wonder if that might help?

I got 20 lav and Wheaton AM eggs in the new bator

Hopefully I'll get a good hatch
Im not alone on this hatch! Happy Valentines to us! I told him this was the BEST present for V-day EVER!
He just looked at me and shook his head. Keep us posted on how it goes! EDIT: "He" is my hubby. My kids were distracting me when I was trying to type. :p

that poor bird!! Hope you find her!

ok guys- double ad here- one Sonny adores fermented feed! also anything i can do for his poor toe? it will be coming off, as you can see, is there anything i can do for him on this?

He may lose toes but he sure does look great! I have a question about the fermented feed. I started a batch and this morning its thicker than pudding. Do I need to add more water? What consistency do I want it? I also hope I didn't put too much ACV into it...
I also gave my first Tylan shots last night. I was SO nervous thinking I was hurting them. They didn't blink an eye and made it so much easier on me. The frizzle was so bad she was breathing noisily (you could hear her voice as she struggled to breath) and drainage was so bad she shook it off every so often. This morning was a complete turn around and she is SO much better! The other antibiotic worked until a certain point then she got worse. This Tylan knocked it out of the ball park!
I can't thank you enough for leading me through this to get them all better!

ENJOY THE BEAUTIFUL WEATHER EVERYONE!!!! Let my feathered kids out and they were SO happy! Might take my human kids to the park if I have time. Mon., Tues., and Wed., are suppose to be a bucket of suck. They were saying on the news how the rest of the winter season will be up and down like this. All I can say is let me off this roller coaster ride please!!!
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Welcome Trish.

I live near Tulsa, Oklahoma.

BTW, I had to laugh at one of your chicken's name. Blue Belle. That is a very good icecream here in the States (without the "e" on Bell.)
Lets talk taxes.....there was a post on a Missouri Facebook page about reporting chickens when they file taxes. These people sounded like regular backyard flock owners. Do/should backyard flock owners submit chicken expenses when filing taxes?

Ask an accountant if this is the right move for you. We are hobby farmers with tax exempt status and claim income, expenses and even loss of livestock on our taxes. We operate at a loss but it helps to offset our income taxes
Our youngest daughter is a nurse, and her shift changed from weekday days to all weekend. Daycare options are few and expensive, so Granny and Pop-pop's house seemed the best solution. This work schedule could become permanent, so buying the essentials, like car seats and beds, wasn't optional. I've been thinking about Black Spanish turkeys. I read somewhere that hawks look down at a flock that includes Black Spanish turkeys and mistakes them for carrion birds, so the hawks stay away. Does anybody know if this is true? The turkey Kyzmette, Shelbydog, and I met a few weekends ago was too social to be considered a carrion bird. He sure was handsome, but his behavior was more like that of a puppy than a vulture.
Your daughter must be relieved to tears with the solution you've offered her concerning the kids. Good for you, I know how much of your own life is being shoved to the back burner in order to do it. And that turkey! Oh my! I love those colors! I'm on my way to do a bit of turkey research. Surely there's a way to caponize them also (I've read about people doing that). Can you imagine the size and taste of a turkey tom capon? The Royal Palm trio I had were like puppies also. You couldn't sit down without the girls climbing onto your lap. I do have a huge fenced area that's empty......hmmmm..... Robin, that girl's color looks close to the Silver Duckwing color, that's one of my most favorite colors. She does look like an Old English Game bantam mix to me. Can anyone else tell?

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