***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Do your's pip?
I had a bad hatch - temp. spikes in the hatcher :(
It is the first time using this hatcher and my advisor, Jack, thinks the wafers are dirty. I'll clean it befor I lock down the next eggs on Wednesday. If that doesn't work, my Birthday present will be a multi turn!

Most of the survivors at least internally pipped, and a lot externally pipped.
Coral how's your hatch going, any more jubilees out?
Only the first one. I haven't seen any of the other eggs move. I'm not going to open the hatcher to check any of them until tomorrow night. If I can remember to carry my camera to the basement, I'll snap a few pictures. The newest baby is as big as the largest from the first group.
Has anyone ever dealt with a chick with a punctured lung? I have two barnevelders (that Merlin got ahold of) that I believe have a punctured lung, as they breath their skin bubbles out like a balloon. I took a sterile needle and pierced the skin in a few places to deflate them but I don't know what else to do... off to search the internet. The other injured ones seem to mainly be in shock. One has passed, it was lacerated down it's neck pretty badly, I could see it's shoulder and crop the skin was wide open. Beyond my ability to heal in addition to the shock. Poor babies.
Has anyone ever dealt with a chick with a punctured lung? I have two barnevelders (that Merlin got ahold of) that I believe have a punctured lung, as they breath their skin bubbles out like a balloon. I took a sterile needle and pierced the skin in a few places to deflate them but I don't know what else to do... off to search the internet. The other injured ones seem to mainly be in shock. One has passed, it was lacerated down it's neck pretty badly, I could see it's shoulder and crop the skin was wide open. Beyond my ability to heal in addition to the shock. Poor babies.

That is all you can do, release the air when it builds up. If it has survivable injuries the airway should heal itself but it may take a week or two of decompressing the air.
You made that much money from raising chickens?
Has anyone ever dealt with a chick with a punctured lung?  I have two barnevelders (that Merlin got ahold of) that I believe have a punctured lung, as they breath their skin bubbles out like a balloon.  I took a sterile needle and pierced the skin in a few places to deflate them but I don't know what else to do... off to search the internet.  The other injured ones seem to mainly be in shock.  One has passed, it was lacerated down it's neck pretty badly, I could see it's shoulder and crop the skin was wide open.  Beyond my ability to heal in addition to the shock.  Poor babies.

Dear heavens Rinda, I'm so sorry to hear about your poor babies! How amazingly stressful on you and your family, too. I have my fingers crossed for you.
I am just sick tonight.... Merlin managed to get one of the grow pens open this afternoon and I can't even think about all the dead and injured birds I've been dealing with for the last hour, all about 8-12 weeks old and most of the dead ones are girls.... I know you guys understand.... praying I let him LIVE through puppyhood.... he's been bored because of the rain/cold and no one to play with and that makes him destructive...
oh, man that is hard to deal with i know if mine ever got in there he would probably do the same. Yesterday he slipped in when i opened the door and ran in and charged the roos but luckily when i yelled at him he lied down. But if he would have got in when i was not there i bet i would be bad.

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