***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I appreciate your weighing in on this, Les; I value yours and Teva's knowledge! This part of the pen is my very best one and the possibility of it being a raccoon attack is, in my opinion, very remote. No other birds were bothered at all, and there was NO damage to her head, neck, wings, or legs--only the large patch of skin stripped off her back and side. I think it was not possible for the raccoon attack you suggested,as the attack about had to be from on top of her. The ONLY predator possibility is that a very small, young raccoon or opossum got in a very small space at the top of the pen, under the roof, but that seems very unlikely. I really think either of these would have caused some other sort of injury as well.

As long as posts continue to come from the forum to my e-mail, I can answer!
Les, he looks happy!!! I feel,better now seeing him with his girls, thank you so much.
He's sure a pretty boy.

X2 pretty boy!
Getting a spitzhaben quad from Ksane tomorrow, so excited to get them!

I Frontlined them and wormed with Safeguard again just to be on the safe side. I'll miss them. I was always amazed at how pretty they are. It feels right to be actively doing something to place some of these roosters. It helps to know they're wanted by you and Les.
Did I tell you this Spitz boy hasn't messed a single feather (ever) on the 3 girls? My biggest reason for downsizing is so many of my boys are too rough on the girls. Kinda doesn't make sense to place the rooster who's easy on the girls, huh? lol
I'm all about getting hens and capons though!
Yes I have a website, www.chickenfanatics.com, but I don't have the Jubilees on there yet. Chicks are $30 each, eggs will be $10 each. I will post when I'm ready to sell eggs, I've had quite a few people interested.

X2 pretty boy!

Getting a spitzhaben quad from Ksane tomorrow, so excited to get them!
Hey RInda, are your OEGB Spangles come from show quality parents? Also are you cochin chicks bantam or standard, and are they show quality as well. Thanks so much.
Hey RInda, are your OEGB Spangles come from show quality parents?  Also are you cochin chicks bantam or standard, and are they show quality as well.  Thanks so much.
every thing I listed besides the jubilees came from hatching eggs at the last auction. The rir and rouen duck eggs hatching this weekend were listed as exhibition quality. I have no information one way or another on the others except that they look right for the breed. All are lf except the oegb.

Coral do you have a date set for your next capon clinic? I want to get it on my calendar soon!
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Hey guys Happy Easter!!

I was curious if there were other Chicken Sales and Swaps in Oklahoma, maybe closer to OKC? I know we discussed the one in Newcastle already. There was one other one mentioned in Henryetta, on June 14? Please advise if there is anything out there.

I appreciate your weighing in on this, Les; I value yours and Teva's knowledge! This part of the pen is my very best one and the possibility of it being a raccoon attack is, in my opinion, very remote. No other birds were bothered at all, and there was NO damage to her head, neck, wings, or legs--only the large patch of skin stripped off her back and side. I think it was not possible for the raccoon attack you suggested,as the attack about had to be from on top of her. The ONLY predator possibility is that a very small, young raccoon or opossum got in a very small space at the top of the pen, under the roof, but that seems very unlikely. I really think either of these would have caused some other sort of injury as well.

As long as posts continue to come from the forum to my e-mail, I can answer!

Your pens are about as secure as any that I have seen that is for sure, maybe the rooster did just happen to catch the girl just right and do the damage to her. As nice as your stock is that is hard for me to imagine, such sweet birds.
every thing I listed besides the jubilees came from hatching eggs at the last auction. The rir and rouen duck eggs hatching this weekend were listed as exhibition quality. I have no information one way or another on the others except that they look right for the breed. All are lf except the oegb.

Coral do you have a date set for your next capon clinic? I want to get it on my calendar soon!
I don't have a date yet. I owe Shelbydog a private lesson. Would you be interested in a lesson with just one other person in attendance? I don't have chicks the right age. We will need cockerels between 4 and 8 weeks of age. No, wait. I think I have some EE cockerels about 5 weeks old. Hmmmm. I might need to wait until the school year is over.
Not in Oklahoma, no. My jubilees come from a couple of sources, my favorite girls come from Jeff (PapaBrooder here). my boy comes from a lady from the Orpington Breeder facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrpingtonBreedersWorldwide/, her name is Debbie L Johnson and she lives in Arkansas. Her FB page is Morgan's Manor and she has lots of Orpington varieties and they are EXCELLENT quality. Not too far of a drive for good birds IMO. My two other hens came from the Coweta auction last month. Jeff's girls are far superior to the auction girls. I will try to get some pics to show comparision today. Here are some pictures from Jan or Feb of one of my girls from Jeff. She's even more impressive now. And the cockerel is a whopping 8 pounds! I don't have any started birds this year, just chicks and soon I will have eggs for sale, probably 2-3 weeks. I want one more batch through my incubator to confirm fertility as I just trimmed bum feathers last week to try and improve fertility. Last batch was about 50%.

Those are some beautiful birds!!!!

Very, very interesting indeed! I cannot wait to hang out hmy yard summer evenings with a glass of iced tea and observe their natural behavior! We'll only free range when we're home to monitor them and I'm sure we'll have a .22, or two, between us.
I agree with Les.. Free range birds have a very complex social system. Since I have a mixed flock of chickens, turkeys, geese and peafowl it is even more interesting.. The geese and peafowl run the place though. Actually the geese are kind of bullies but the others just stay out of their way...

In the event anyone is interested in a few OEGB or Rosecomb chicks I have some ranging from 1-3 weeks that hatched the wrong color for what I am wanting to keep. The combinations can include Black Tailed Buff, Buff Columbian, Silver quill and red quill They will make for nice birds just not something I am going to raise out.
Hey Carl! Do you want me to take some to Coweta for you???

Alright! Thanks for telling me about the not-chicken related selling, that's definitely helpful.
"A ton of stock." I love looking at all the types of chickens, it's very exciting to me!
Sorry about your eggs, I'm hoping you get pretty chicks from them.
I'd love to meet some fellow BYC'ers, but i'm pretty darn young. (in the teens, eek)
My grandfather has me searching around for all the chicken related things..he's not computer capable!
We have people of all ages on here raising birds. Age does not determine addiction to poultry... hehehe!

The rooster who did all the damage is fairly young, and when I examined him this morning, it confirmed my belief that he has only small spurs. They are very blunt and only about 1/4 inch long. At the time, I searched to see if it were possible a predator had gotten in and had done the damage, but I found nothing to indicate that, and Vashi was quite sure the rooster was responsible for it, as he had seen the rooster vigorously chasing this particular pullet all over the complex several times. As I've said, he has in no way harmed any of the other hens; his 7 and the 2 others in the complex, and they obviously really like him. He is very solicitous of the I suspect that he went into a "frenzy" when blood first appeared. Not having witnessed it, however, I can't be 100% certain.
Is there anyway a coon could reach into the pen to where the birds are.. Sorry it has been a while since I have been to your place but I don't remember if you had something along the bottoms of the pens. If a coon could reach the floor through the wire it could have grabbed your girl as she was walking by.. Just a thought!

Hey guys Happy Easter!!

I was curious if there were other Chicken Sales and Swaps in Oklahoma, maybe closer to OKC? I know we discussed the one in Newcastle already. There was one other one mentioned in Henryetta, on June 14? Please advise if there is anything out there.

There is an auction in Newcastle on the first and third Saturdays of the month and starts at 5 pm.. Blanchard has an auction on the second and third Saturday but they tend to sell a lot of junk first. Every Thursday in Maud they have an auction but they sell junk, goats, misc and then chickens (always quarantine anything you get there for a long time because the birds are often times sick). There is an auction in Coweta this Saturday but it is a ways off. Someone in Mustang and in Tribbey were trying to start auctions but have never heard anything about them in a while.. Hope that helps..
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Twistedluck there is an Oklahoma Auction thread on byc with most of the auctions and their details listed there.

I don't have a date yet.  I owe Shelbydog a private lesson.  Would you be interested in a lesson with just one other person in attendance?  I don't have chicks the right age.  We will need cockerels between 4 and 8 weeks of age.  No, wait.  I think I have some EE cockerels about 5 weeks old.  Hmmmm.   I might need to wait until the school year is over.

I don't mind a small class size. I'd love to do it with Dusti! We can wait until summer for you. I'm sure I can supply as many cockerels the right age that we could need!
Twistedluck there is an Oklahoma Auction thread on byc with most of the auctions and their details listed there.
I don't mind a small class size. I'd love to do it with Dusti! We can wait until summer for you. I'm sure I can supply as many cockerels the right age that we could need!

We can talk about it at the sale tomorrow. A small class sounds ideal.

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