***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I've read you should prune plants during certain moon phases, have you tried doing that?
He does love Rudolph Steiner
But its my understanding that when dealing with fire blight pruning ASAP is the most important factor. That being said he is the gardener in the family, Im just the crazy chicken lady.
He does love Rudolph Steiner :)  But its my understanding that when dealing with fire blight pruning ASAP is the most important factor. That being said he is the gardener in the family, Im just the crazy chicken lady. 
what about re pruning during the correct time? Kind of like war surgery, it used to be "sew them up so they don't bleed to death and ship them off to a real hospital where they can do the proper stuff"

I like M*A*S*H*
Ok my gardening friends....I haven't had a a garden in several years due to job demands for my hubby and I...(and the only thing he knows about a garden is how to eat ..) So I guess I haven't had a garden because I haven't the time to properly care for it. I stil get lots of veggies from the farmers market, neighbors, etc. I love to can..

So here is my question. My sister has alot of frozen corn, and I mean ALOT. When it comes time for me to be able to can soup can I use the frozen corn? I cook my soup makings together and then hot pack and pressure cook.
@Nanakat I was just grumbling iver the empty state of my blackberry brambles. I've already canned several batches of preserves, so I can't complain too much, but I wonder why yours are getting full now while mine are emptying.
I do not have blackberries, but my raspberries, also a bramble did awesome this year.

I do not know the canning corn answer, I bet Nanakat does though.

Sorry about the recent losses.

Lost 2 of the baby buns, but one was pretty expected, and I really thought 12 was going to be to many for her to handle, so not surprised at all. The rest are healthy looking popcorns! lol
Hello everyone! My mom (Free2bme2798) says that you all might be able to help me figure out what is going on with my flock. It's always the same thing:

  • the middle toe on one of the bird's feet will go numb
  • then the whole foot
  • then the whole leg
  • the the bird will either die or I will kill it
So far I have lost 3 birds to this and I'm trying to save the 4th. I always clean the coop in between the deaths and there is typically a period of one to three weeks between one bird dying and the next showing symptoms. I'm worried that I am going to lose my entire flock to this one bird at a time so any help that you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Hello everyone! My mom (Free2bme2798) says that you all might be able to help me figure out what is going on with my flock. It's always the same thing:
  • the middle toe on one of the bird's feet will go numb
  • then the whole foot
  • then the whole leg
  • the the bird will either die or I will kill it
So far I have lost 3 birds to this and I'm trying to save the 4th. I always clean the coop in between the deaths and there is typically a period of one to three weeks between one bird dying and the next showing symptoms. I'm worried that I am going to lose my entire flock to this one bird at a time so any help that you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Any puncture wounds to the toe, in between toes, foot, leg, etc when it starts? Any swelling or fever to the limb? Have you autopsied any of the dead ones to look at the leg / foot / abd cavity? I had a bird grow huge internal tumors the blocked blood and function to the leg causing it to go lame (the big leg tendon went necrotic) no outward s/sx, only discovered on autopsy.
Hello everyone! My mom (Free2bme2798) says that you all might be able to help me figure out what is going on with my flock. It's always the same thing:

  • the middle toe on one of the bird's feet will go numb
  • then the whole foot
  • then the whole leg
  • the the bird will either die or I will kill it
So far I have lost 3 birds to this and I'm trying to save the 4th. I always clean the coop in between the deaths and there is typically a period of one to three weeks between one bird dying and the next showing symptoms. I'm worried that I am going to lose my entire flock to this one bird at a time so any help that you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

How do you know the middle toe is going numb? Is there any presentation to suggest the middle toe is numb?

Are there any other symptoms? Seizures? Loss of feathers? Listlessness? Change in comb color? Change in poop? Does the bird do the splits, one leg up, the other down?

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