***OKIES in the BYC III ***

There's no set date.  I just think it's cruel leaving them locked up and they are terrizing my hens.  How young to they have to be.  Kass, bless her, is going to take some, but not all are old enough to process.  And I would be willing to meet somewhere.  Dewar and Henryetta are acrually side by side.

Yeah, great news.

I have a sick hen and don't know what's wrong.  I was out checking about a half hour ago and she was on the floor instead of the roost.  I don't think it's an impacted crop, but maybe a broken egg inside, or egg bound.  Whatever it is, hasn't been going on long enough for her comb to get pale.  It's still bright red and her eyes move around and watch, but she can't get up.  It's not a respitory thing.  Her poop is yellow, so I need to start looking up things.  Any ideas?  She's not my Bumpers, but close as she is a hen out of my first chickens, my Light Brahmas and the only one who survived the pred attack out of that breed.  Well her mother did, but she died mysteriously and on  a Saturday so I couldn't send her in.  Anyone have any ideas?  
yellow poop makes me think worms, have you wormed them recently?
So you guys near Newcastle know, there is a livestock show and cake auction tonight. Show is at 6pm, auction following (planned for 7 pm). My kids will have their silkies and longhorn heifers there. The cake auction helps to pay for the Show barn for the year - where they usually have the Newcastle poultry auction and we had held Poops at the year before this.

Glad to hear about some folks good news, sad to hear the bad news, still praying for those in between. Lots of stuff going on in our worlds right now. I am glad that we all have this group to share with!
Oh so the plan is (but we all know how plans go)..if I ever get to my kitchen this morning: My kids will be contributing 4 cakes - two large ones - lemon with light lime icing and yellow/pistachio. Then two smaller ones - chocolate coconut and chocolate coconut with almonds - because some times you feel like a nut and sometimes you don't!
Trying to get caught up, but feeling behind. It seems like lots of prayers are needed all around.

Nanakat, I sure hope everything goes well with you. I sure wish I could be there to help out.

Erinszoo, so glad the results came back negative, and I'm praying they get it figured out.

Hotcurltr I have you and your family in my prayers for all that you guys are going through. I'm so sorry to hear about your Polly. I know your heart has to be so heavy right now with all you're going through. You need a good, long cry on a loving shoulder.
Chicken drama going on in Henryetta today. We seem to have acquired 3 guineas they were wandering around the neighborhood yesterday so w put out some water for them, couldn't get close to them at all, but today they seem to have taken up residence in the chickens area.

Shakespear had an accident. Don't know if he will survive or not, breathing pretty heavy, resting in the house, I'm not home so just going off reports from home.

Chicken drama going on in Henryetta today. We seem to have acquired 3 guineas they were wandering around the neighborhood yesterday so w put out some water for them, couldn't get close to them at all, but today they seem to have taken up residence in the chickens area.

Shakespear had an accident. Don't know if he will survive or not, breathing pretty heavy, resting in the house, I'm not home so just going off reports from home.

I hope Shakespeare recovers. If you need Hercule back, just let me know. Hercule is the head roo in my flock now (mostly over hens and capons). During free-range activities he checks on all the pens that aren't out, and he directs the activities of the chickens that are. The ducks and goose jump when he says jump, so I know his personality is the strongest.
Hi all! I'm new to BYC and am an Okie as well. We live in a greasy spot in the road called Westville. Right now we live just outside of town with just under an acre but we have bought a 2.5 acre tract of land close to the Illinois River. Waiting on another tract that is next to mine to come open and then I will have 5 acres! Right now I have a pair of 16 week old Aracaunas and 3 white leghorn pullets. I have 9 Blue Double Laced barnevelders in the incubator and 17 mixed breed eggs in there as well. Hoping for a good hatch! Anyways, nice to meet you!
I hope Shakespeare recovers. If you need Hercule back, just let me know. Hercule is the head roo in my flock now (mostly over hens and capons). During free-range activities he checks on all the pens that aren't out, and he directs the activities of the chickens that are. The ducks and goose jump when he says jump, so I know his personality is the strongest.

Thanks, but I have plenty of up and comers to choose from if need be. Gary said he is doing a little better last time I talked to him.
Hi all! I'm new to BYC and am an Okie as well. We live in a greasy spot in the road called Westville. Right now we live just outside of town with just under an acre but we have bought a 2.5 acre tract of land close to the Illinois River. Waiting on another tract that is next to mine to come open and then I will have 5 acres! Right now I have a pair of 16 week old Aracaunas and 3 white leghorn pullets. I have 9 Blue Double Laced barnevelders in the incubator and 17 mixed breed eggs in there as well. Hoping for a good hatch! Anyways, nice to meet you!
and the Okie thread.

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