***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Hello fellow Okies!! I didn't know there was an Oklahoma section on here, awesome. I pretty new to chickens, only had them for about a year. Started with 6 now I have close to 100, LOL
Hatched out my first batch of chicks this past weekend, had 3 out of 5 hatch, Black Marans and 1 Buff black-tailed Marans. It was my practice run...

I'm throwing 15 more in this weekend (I might have an addiction,lol) mostly EE Roo x Blue Ameraucana Hens. Fingers Crossed!!

Any advice from the pros out there....
I'd like to get into selling the chicks I hatch, going for Marans, Ameraucanas, Cream Legbars, and Swedish Flower Hens. Thoughts on these breeds?

How funny- I have all those breeds!

Cream Legbars are my personal favorites. Excellent layers, blue eggs, curious and inquisitive, they are the UK's version of a leghorn. I'm working with a group trying to get them APA approval. It will take us a while. My second favorite are the SFH. Great free rangers, good personalities. Won't work for dual purpose as there is very little meat on them but they are good layers. Marans are fantastic for their dark eggs. They make decent sized table birds if you can grow them out to about 6-7 months. Not great layers though- my Black Copper Marans give me about 3-4 per week per hen, and they say the darker your eggs are, the worse they lay. Ameraucanas are my least favorite, I have blue and black ones. Flighty and psychotic, smallish birds, mine are not good layers, either. I'd say 3 per week, maybe 4 in peak season. Laying ability may vary by variety or line though, so you might keep asking around.
Anyone online that has hatched out in incubators?

Sorry I dozed off....no major emergency. My first chick that hatched was a bit wild in the bator. Flipping around and pecking at other eggs. This is my first hatch...and all others I have watched the chicks were a bit more subdued just after hatching. I just woke up to two more hatching...both properly tired lol. Anyone else ever experience such a feisty one in the bator?

Yep. Some are just born that way. Its usually a good thing. Its the lethargic ones that kind of lay around, not moving much, that we tend to lose. I've also found when chicks are being fiesty and running around the bator the other eggs hatch faster.

Congratulations on your hatch.  It's like the feisty ones are the cheerleaders  The eggs that haven't pipped may have a chick that has pierced the inner membrane and needs encouragement to keep going .  
Those feisty ones can sometimes play football with the other eggs...that's why I put mine in paper cartons for hatching.  Even if the hatched babies climb on them, they don't roll them.

I put mine in egg cartons to hatch as well, eliminates the rolling around of the other eggs and sort of contains the mess.
Wow, did I score at the Coweta auction last night! Not in chickens, but in great company! I'm so glad I was there when MJ came to visit, and again as glad that Rebecca kept us company too. And spending time with Coral is always like a breath of fresh air.

As for purchases, I picked up some Mottled and Blue/Splash/Black English Orp eggs, and a couple cartons of mystery chick eggs that could be anything from Eng Orp to Legbar to EE. I'm looking forward to chick surprise; it'll be like Christmas!

Coral and I were in a beer commercial while we were there. I moved my car closer to load up, went around a corner and ran my front right tire off in a deep unmarked ditch that was totally invisible in the dark. That tire was mired, my underbody was sitting on the lip of the ditch, and my left rear tire was four inches off the ground. Coral went for help, and when I turned around I swear I saw six young, muscly country boys, silhouetted in shimmering mist by the glowing street light behind them, walking toward me in slow motion. They proceeded to PICK UP the rear of my car and push, so I could pull forward. Thank heavens for young muscly men who like to play hero!

And seriously, I'm not kidding about the silhouettes in the misty backdrop. Although maybe my brain added the slow motion. ;)
Once again, I must turn to y'all for some advice, or info.
A couple of months ago, my 40 or so chickens were producing maybe 7, or 8 eggs a week. It was winter, some were molting, chickens are chickens, that's life. After asking here and around, I got some sage advice, and really got my egg production up nicely. I've added 36 more chickens, including 7 roosters, and >30 egg days are common, anymore. That's fine, I can always give away what eggs we don't use for one reason or another.
I have 5 coops besides my main layer coop, for breeding purposes. I keep pretty much pure bred chickens, or those I am wishing to cross in them, for the most part. But, I have 2 breeds, that are either not laying at all, or are EXTREMELY sluggish in laying.
My Speckled Sussex's and Golden Lakenvelders, are problematic. They are all healthy. Eat well. No signs of any health issues. They are eating high quality organic layer pellets, and they get to free range every 3 to 4 days. The Golden Lakenvelders, have not yet laid an egg. Not since I got them in mid January. The Speckled Sussex girls, gave me an egg in January, two in early February, then one Thursday. The first one in over a month. No sign that they are pecking and eating the eggs. I check their nest FREQUENTLY. They are happy, friendly, unafraid, their roosters take good care of them, don't abuse them, at all. There are 7 hens, all in the 10-16 month old range. Beautiful hens. HUGE roosters, at least 2 of the three. They are quickly becoming my favorite chickens. Except that they aren't laying.
One of the locals, who is incubating my eggs for me, suggested a feed from Tractor Supply, called Omega 3 Layer Pellets. I'm going to give it a try. Do any of you have a similar experience? Any suggested solutions?
The fellow at the Sallisaw Farmer's Co-Op, suggested full spectrum lighting, on timers. I did that. He said Karo syrup, in their water. I did that. He suggested lettuce, green leafy lettuce. I've been giving them that. I'm going to try this Omega 3. How soon should I start to see some results? I really want to get some chicks off of these girls. One egg won't cut it.
Help,many, and all, is greatly appreciated.

Here's some of the girls





















Wow, did I score at the Coweta auction last night! Not in chickens, but in great company! I'm so glad I was there when MJ came to visit, and again as glad that Rebecca kept us company too. And spending time with Coral is always like a breath of fresh air.

As for purchases, I picked up some Mottled and Blue/Splash/Black English Orp eggs, and a couple cartons of mystery chick eggs that could be anything from Eng Orp to Legbar to EE. I'm looking forward to chick surprise; it'll be like Christmas!

Coral and I were in a beer commercial while we were there. I moved my car closer to load up, went around a corner and ran my front right tire off in a deep unmarked ditch that was totally invisible in the dark. That tire was mired, my underbody was sitting on the lip of the ditch, and my left rear tire was four inches off the ground. Coral went for help, and when I turned around I swear I saw six young, muscly country boys, silhouetted in shimmering mist by the glowing street light behind them, walking toward me in slow motion. They proceeded to PICK UP the rear of my car and push, so I could pull forward. Thank heavens for young muscly men who like to play hero!

And seriously, I'm not kidding about the silhouettes in the misty backdrop. Although maybe my brain added the slow motion.
You have some of the best behaved grandkids on the planet. It warmed my heart to hear you say so many of the things I say to my grandkids. Thanks for your patience, company, and love. I hope that I am able to be there for you when you're feeling as I was when I arrived at the sale. Visiting with you was the best remedy for the sadness I was carrying. And a shout out to Rebecca and MJ (at a chicken event, one of my favorite outings): Loved hearing the news, seeing the beautiful artwork, and learning about the ingenious feeding and watering systems. I'm in awe of the brain power and creativity that was seated around me.

Sure wish the auction was just for selling cages and chickens. If they go to a double auction as you suggested, the folks who came to buy large fowl might get to bid on them before midnight. Chupps in Inola has many auctions running at the same time. People who want items in two concurrent auctions get two bidding cards. If you want something that arrived late to the auction, you might have to wait until after dark to bid. Lots of folks count on others leaving early so that they can get back-row items dirt cheap. I hate to think what happened to the prices at Coweta when they got down to the last row of large fowl. It would have been a buyer's delight and a huge loss for sellers.

The bleachers were filled. There were at least six rows of chairs running the length of the sale barn in front of the bleachers, and the isle leading into the area with the caged birds was standing room only. I went home with two coated-wire cages (and MJ had one I'd lent at another auction : ) Thanks MJ!) and some Brabanter eggs. I hope they hatch.
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Oh yes my friend Chandra said it was definitely a buyers market there- and that it wasn't over until about 6:30 AM!!!! Too much for me. Glad I didn't try to go, my daughter threw up about 8 PM. That would have been a nightmare to deal with in that crowd.
@mjgigax I was looking at these eggs and a good number of them could be some big fluffy Orps. I think it's a mix of all the guy's stock, and he had some nice stock. Thats an Ameraucana egg, and a couple of EE eggs. I wish I'd gotten more white eggs. If any of yours happen to hatch any of those white egglayers I wanted so much, just let me know if you'd be interested in trading for some of my mottled, blue, black or splash. :D


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