***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Does anyone give the vaccine for fowl pox? Since we dug a pond this year I have had several instances of fowl pox. Dry and wet. I am thinking of buying the vaccine just wondering if anyone else gives it

I know a woman between Grove and Afton who dos her own chicks. I don't know if she'll do other peoples or not. I can ask her next time I see her. (if you'd want to go that far)
I have vaccinated for Fowl Pox a couple of times.

When I was hatching some rare eggs from imported stock several years ago I vaccinated everything for Fowl Pox and Mareks. Since then I haven't vaccinated many chicks though. I don't like systematicly vaccinating my flock. I am perfectly happy to hatch extras so that anything that is weak and susceptible to illness can be culled. I favor waiting until stock in 2+ years old to breed. By then only vigorous stock is still around. That creates hardy lines that are resistant to about everything they are exposed to and make a low maintenance flock.
When I get Fowl Pox in my laying flock I will vaccinated though. The Fowl Pox that we have dealt with is very mild and we never loose any birds to it. it however is very slow moving so with 12 separate coops it would take about 6 months for everyone to get the flow pox and to get over it. During that time egg production suffers greatly and in addition to fewer eggs we get poor internal quality so we couldn't given any eggs away. We can't hatch eggs from our breeding stock with fowl pox going around either because the eggs have poor hatchability when flow pox is going around. So once the first hens showed signs of fowl pox we vaccinate everyone that hasn't either had fowl pox or the vaccination (keep a vaccination records!). That stops it from speeding and we get through the fowl pox in 5-6 weeks instead of 4-6 months.

We didn't have a pond or any standing water on the property. We would see the fowl pox about every two years. Always in the fall. :)

If you have a pond and are seeing fowl pox every years then vaccinating chicks is probably the way to go. Otherwise it will be a constant battle that you will never be able to win.

Howdy Okies. I'm new to BYC and have been looking for an active OK thread. Does anyone here raise Cornish? Those are some of mine at 3 months.
good to have you join us!
Hi there! I'm new to BYC and live near OKC! We have 21 chickens currently, and our renter and good friend and land mate has 5 chickens and 2 turkeys. As well as two dogs each, so we call our land our own little homestead. (Hopefully bees are next!)

My chickens are 9 weeks old this week.

Hi there! I'm new to BYC and live near OKC! We have 21 chickens currently, and our renter and good friend and land mate has 5 chickens and 2 turkeys. As well as two dogs each, so we call our land our own little homestead. (Hopefully bees are next!)

My chickens are 9 weeks old this week.

I like how you have your waterer hanging.

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