***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Yes. Take them back to the hen. Stranger things have happened.
I made the mistake of putting ACV into a waterer with a galvanized bottom for my poults over the weekend. Will likely lose 2 more. Just lethargic, but now with the occasional tremor. Wonder if it is a metal poisoning....but they were acting off already, sulmet was also in the water - along with electrolytes and vitamins. Now they have a plastic waterer, water and sulmet. Ideas?
I made the mistake of putting ACV into a waterer with a galvanized bottom for my poults over the weekend. Will likely lose 2 more. Just lethargic, but now with the occasional tremor. Wonder if it is a metal poisoning....but they were acting off already, sulmet was also in the water - along with electrolytes and vitamins. Now they have a plastic waterer, water and sulmet. Ideas?

Try a little honey in the water...a tbs per pint...should give them a little energy boost.
We had some excitement at around 2AM. Found a big possum in the coop. My rooster's eye is swollen shut and one hen is missing some feathers on her neck. She seems fine. He is a little subdued. No crowing this morning, but he's eating and drinking. The possum didn't fare as well. I can't seem to get pics to load from my phone. Made me think about people who live in town and can't grab the 22 when this sort of thing happens.

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