***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I'm wondering if my barred rocks are younger than what the feed store lady told me. They are supposed to be around 15 weeks old, but they are smaller than my other girls were at that age, and just today I noticed two of the three traded in their peeps for clucks, which is later than the others did as well. Also, the one who's still got her baby voice is noticeably smaller than the other two. I'm assuming that barred rocks are supposed to mature as fast or faster than orpingtons and wyandottes, and that my runty chick is actually slightly younger than her broodmates. Anyone want to venture a guess?
So gotta a call from my mom. Says she don't like store bought eggs and wants 2 hens for the backyard.
Do tell lol
So next weekend I'm going to build a coop and take her to get started with feed n such.
Says she wants the red ones. Lol wonder why? Seems she likes mine.
Guess we have another one joining the dark side
I know everyone is busy, but would love to see some chicken photos.

Coral and Kassaundra...this photo is for you...

Love it!!!! That is the Naked's response to until that first cold snap, then they are all cuddly and warm thinking I might not be such a bad person after all.
Got a ? for you all:

i let my broody hen hatch out 4 chicks about the first of august because my SIL chickens got killed by a dog and i said i would let her have what ever she hatched out. The hen has been taking care of them all this time and now it is time for them to go to their new home with my SIL should i wait till the day i'm taking them to her to separate them or should i go a head and do it a day or two a head of time ? Witch would be less stressful for them.
Uh oh! One of my pullets that just started laying has a small prolapse. It doesn't seem to be bleeding except for a little streak on her eggs, which are medium sized and well formed. She also doesn't seem to be in distress about it. Aside from keeping it clean and and some Preparation H, is there anything else I should know? How often to apply the Prep H? Should I give her a frozen bag of peas to sit on? I only have experience with human hemorrhoids and prolapse, but it seems the treatment is very similar.
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Great quilts Kass! And your flower pics are always awesome!

Added two buff orpington pullets and a young Favellro rooster to my flock this weekend. The legorn pullets are getting nice red combs now. Also got three Indian Runner ducks. I think its two drakes and a hen. They are so fun to watch.
NaNa sounds like you have had a busy summer as usual. I hope you find out your mystery mischief maker soon. That's just a little scary. Lots of crazy people out there. You all be careful please.

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