***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Quail eggs have a thinner more brittle she'll than chicken eggs so they don't crack like a hen's egg. Learn to crack them on the big end and drop into the bowl. Keep and eye on the chips.
When you boil them....cover with water and add 1/2 c white vinegar bring to a boil, cover and set aside for several hour...even overnight in the fridge. The vinegar dissolves the calcium leaving a thin skin that peels easily so you get whole hard boiled eggs.

Did not know they were more brittle, thanks for the warning! Was definitely going to hard boil them for some quick snacks. Have you any experience with baking with them? Was wanting to try my luck at some pancakes but since they're smaller I wasn't sure if recipes would be different. Not much of a cook as you can imagine.
I already rehomed one of the 3 at my mom's. She was a runt, slow to mature, and mom's chickens are younger. I knew it would give her a good chance to thrive. My mom said she's the sweetest chicken, loves to be cuddled, and is doing well with her new peers. I was happy to hear that.
awww thats good, maybe have her add vitamins to help her grow.

A friend gave me four very nice Easter eggers pullets today! So I now have four E Eggers,two buff orpingtons, three white leghorns,two rhode island reds,one sex link in pullets and a salmon faverrole cockrell. And three runner ducks. These are the first large fowl I have had in a while and I am real excited about them.Can,t wait till they start laying.
Going to start a coop. Any ideas of best time of year to start, chicken breeds good in oklahoma, coop designs, most reliable places to get hens without getting roosters?
Quail eggs have a thinner more brittle she'll than chicken eggs so they don't crack like a hen's egg. Learn to crack them on the big end and drop into the bowl. Keep and eye on the chips.
When you boil them....cover with water and add 1/2 c white vinegar bring to a boil, cover and set aside for several hour...even overnight in the fridge. The vinegar dissolves the calcium leaving a thin skin that peels easily so you get whole hard boiled eggs.

Did not know they were more brittle, thanks for the warning! Was definitely going to hard boil them for some quick snacks. Have you any experience with baking with them? Was wanting to try my luck at some pancakes but since they're smaller I wasn't sure if recipes would be different. Not much of a cook as you can imagine.

You would need to determine the cup measurement of a chicken egg and then figure out how many quail eggs equal the same measurement. I'm thinking it was 5 or 6 quail to a medium chicken egg.
Going to start a coop. Any ideas of best time of year to start, chicken breeds good in oklahoma, coop designs, most reliable places to get hens without getting roosters?

:welcome to tha OKIE thread.
You can build a coop anytime the weather suits you.
As for what breeds are good in Oklahoma....there will be many.
Check out the BYC learning center for coop ideas.
There are a lot of auctions across the state and birds are available from som breeders. Usually spring chicks...fall hens.
I know I've read this thread before, but can't remember if I've ever introduced myself! If not, hi all! Fellow Okie (Verdigris), and this is our first year with chickens. We started our chicken adventure back in April with two 6 day old chicks, and now we're up to 11. Although we've already been getting eggs from our Silkie, (given to us already laying) today we got our first egg from one of our original two!

It's tiny, she's a bantam Cochin. This is her egg as well as our Silkies.

Thank you for sharing! That's not a bad size for a bantam. I think the first egg from my standard size chickens was a similar size. Got any pics of your flock? The rest should be laying soon, too. I'm excited for you! Keep us posted.

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