***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Merry Christmas! Four grandkids are sharing the weekend with us. DH was gracious and allowed me an extra hour with my flock. They're enjoying the mild weather and will free-range until tonight.
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Merry Christmas Eve to all. Wishing you all a great Christmas filled with the love of friends and family.

We're dealing with a problematic neighborhood dog here. It's already killed a few of another neighbor's chickens and I had to run it out of my chicken yard yesterday. I'm missing a rooster but there are no signs that it was taken by a dog and I'm also dealing with what I'm assuming is an owl. It was my Speckled Sussex rooster and he was on the smallish size so it could be a hawk but there are no feathers or evidence of a kill in the yard. Back to the dog. Her owner says he'll work to keep her in but she's out and roaming almost every day. Those of us with chickens and other small animals have given him the "we don't want to shoot someone's pet" message but it doesn't seem to be registering. I hate the idea that I might take some kids pet away from them but the way I look at it we've all given him fair warning and the blame should rest on him. I think she'll just disappear and I'll play dumb if questioned.
Looks like I've got an issue. I've got 4 in a tractor. They haven't laid an egg in 2 weeks. Now the little one looks like she is losing feathers and they didn't eat the bread and scratch I put out yesterday before i left and just now they didn't even eat some squash I put in there.
Looks like I've got an issue. I've got 4 in a tractor. They haven't laid an egg in 2 weeks. Now the little one looks like she is losing feathers and they didn't eat the bread and scratch I put out yesterday before i left and just now they didn't even eat some squash I put in there.

The cold and damp air can throw birds off egg laying....and sometimes feed. If you have wormed them this fall (twice 10 days apart) then they may just need some enticing.
Here are a few suggestions:
Offer them a scrambled egg with cayenne pepper.
A little kitty food soaked in water makes a hearty snack...it should have protein that they need for feather growth.
Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water and let that be their only water for a few hours...makes sure they each get some....also helps with the gut.
Plain yogurt has good probiotics they may need for their gut...a few tablespoons mixed with some of their layer pellets.
Impale 1/2 an orange on a hook end of a hanger or piece of wire and hang at pecking height...a little extra vitamin C.
The cold and damp air can throw birds off egg laying....and sometimes feed. If you have wormed them this fall (twice 10 days apart) then they may just need some enticing.
Here are a few suggestions:
Offer them a scrambled egg with cayenne pepper.
A little kitty food soaked in water makes a hearty snack...it should have protein that they need for feather growth.
Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water and let that be their only water for a few hours...makes sure they each get some....also helps with the gut.
Plain yogurt has good probiotics they may need for their gut...a few tablespoons mixed with some of their layer pellets.
Impale 1/2 an orange on a hook end of a hanger or piece of wire and hang at pecking height...a little extra vitamin C.

Ok thanks I'll give ur a whirl
Appreciate it
We celebrated Christmas with our girls last Sunday and will see the siblings this afternoon.
So this morning Roger and I took advantage of this nice temperature to pull dead plants in the garden. We were able to clear out 6 of our 16 X 4 foot beds.
Now lunch will be chili that has been cooking all night in the crock pot.

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