***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Limited 25, sorry I didn't get back with you about how to dose the gel cap, but Nanakat's suggestion was a good one. I just puncture the gel cap and squirt it directly into the beak of the afflicted one. I do that once a day until she seems well improved. how is she doing? There certain could be something else wrong, but that's the only experience I have with what we call "wry neck".
Can't believe how fast everything is popping up, blooming and/or leafing out! Now the tree frogs are croaking. I'm sure I've never heard them nearly this early!

We're still working very hard on correcting all our landscaping problems here. Have gone far beyond what the insurance company required, and I don't like the loss of privacy, but the place really does look better. All kinds of things are popping out that I thought were gone--they were just covered by the rampant overgrowth of "garden thugs".
Can't believe how fast everything is popping up, blooming and/or leafing out!  Now the tree frogs are croaking.  I'm sure I've never heard them nearly this early!

We're still working very hard on correcting all our landscaping problems here.  Have gone far beyond what the insurance company required, and I don't like the loss of privacy, but the place really does look better.  All kinds of things are popping out that I thought were gone--they were just covered by the rampant overgrowth of "garden thugs".

Sounds like you and your hubby have been busy! Bet it really looks great! Your poppies should be up by now too.

The Farmer's Almanac has grouped Oklahoma and Texas into the same region for weather predictions. Seems odd that our temperate zone 7 should be tied with zones 8 - 10. We have green grass, flowers everywhere and a tree frog in a flower pot on the deck. I'm still not moving my tropical plants outside till after April 15th...just don't want to test that last freeze.
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I wish one of my silly little hens would go broody! I'm wanting some babies
Gave three broody hens chicks from the hatcher to raise along with their own babies.
Have 35 more chicks in the brooder.
A Serama is sitting on 6 eggs.
Two Bantam hens are sitting on eggs.
Two big hens are acting broody.
The incubators are getting full. Put another 71 eggs in the cabinet incubator today. Fifteen of those today are duck eggs.
Spring has already begun.
Are they standing at night? Or is this during the day?

What is the roost made of? Birds like wood surfaces...2x4...smooth limbs...a shelf

How high is it off the ground? Heavies don't fly up high, neither will young birds. 18", 24", up to four feet....a stair step roost works for many breeds.

How wide is the surface where they would roost? A 4" wide surface gives birds a comfortable surface for settling down for sleeping and for covering their feet with their feathers in winter.

Re-evaluate your roost. Adjust the height to suit them.

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