***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Wayne I watched a TV show on really small houses, I am trying to think of what they were called. It was amazing what they did with the small space! You sure can't be a collector in one of those......Not sure that I could be that organized.

Do u kn ow what channel or the name of the show was? Since we have downsized i am very interested in this topic. Maybe someday I will post some pics of the new cabin.
Yes, the Northeast Oklahoma Beekeeper Association ("NEOBA") has a very active local club in Tulsa and they are starting beginning beekeeper classes next Saturday, 1/21. Here is a link to their classes.

Even if you are unable to attend their beginning beekeeper classes, you might enjoy attending their meetings. Local clubs are a great way to find a mentor and learn about beekeeping.
Thank you for the Tulsa class information. I think paying $75.00 and attending classes on Saturdays in Tulsa will work better for my schedule. The classes in AR are free, but the round trip would be four hours, and the classes are on Monday evenings, which makes the investment in gasoline and time far more costly.
Yeah thats what I worry about. I am a collector of "things" and trinkets and Brenda is a collector of all things paper! Luckly the one we are looking at has some attic space for papers. Will proably still have to vae a storage building for all that stuff. But our thinking is ,as we get older maybe less will be better as that means less to clean and take care of. Sounds good on paper hope it works in theory!
Did you get the chick barn completed as much as you wanted this weekend?

You actually gets use to have less. We have stuff in storage still that we do not even miss. garage sale in spring. My new chicken pen is almost the same size as my house.
Howdy...school started so i have been running crazy again. Did hunt the last two weekends of deer season...saw lots but none close enough. have been spending lots of time trying to figure out how to apply to other schools...anybody wanna hire me?

I know a school that could use you,, thats for certian, but the application process is beyond my knowledge.

How ya been?
You know I have 3 tree stands and about 4 ground blinds that stay out year round, I feed year round, and have not had to tae a shot beyong 20 yards in several years. If you ever just need to fill the freezer rather than sit out in the cool for hours waiting just call. I can tell you what comes through and how many in each group and what time of day they will be there.
Although I really like local honey, I think I will simply be a market for all of you getting into them. I don't really care for the sharp things on the back end of the bees, that and I have my hands full with stuff right now.
I am quite certian what ever you come up with will be absolutely enjoyed. I am the point I would find a way to eat those pickles even if I had a broken jaw all wired shut.

I might have to take you up on that. Currently the boys do a good job of filling the freezer. I must admit to horn hunting this last bit. It was with total intent of some great salami but horns were a reguirement.

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