***OKIES in the BYC III ***

If they think your weird i would hate to know what they think of me... those must be some interesting words that I would likely need a medical or phsycology book to understand..

But look at it this way, at least they are thinking of you.

I think wanting to be "normal" is weird (and boring). I prefer the word- eccentric.
That's a 30 g aquarium, I'm assuming that it's the actual square inches of floor space that matters to them, like other animals? But then if you stack the egg flats like it showed on the Roach Guy's page you could really fit more in. I've got so many big tanks around here that are just sitting empty or stacked on the front porch. (I keep thinking I'll put an ad on Craigslist for them but then I'd have to give complicated directions to everyone who called because we don't live in an easy to find place). I could take one of the 36 x 18 tanks and make a really nice colony
I'd love to do what you're doing-grow enough insects for their protein-wonderful idea. My very favorite chickens will all be all in the back yard area in the next few wks. They're the ones I'm concentrating on.
I compartmentalize everything and we've all got our favorites, so this works for me. Carl, you don't have much on me in the looney tunes dept either ;-)
Thank you for the info, Kass. This is an excellent idea and so much easier than I thought all this time when I'd read your bug posts.

I'm not a squimish girl and want to grow bugs for my birds but roaches,.........
I have a distinct dislike of them.
Hello everyone.

Have been super tired and can't seem to kick this headache I've had for several days. It's better now than it has been. Have been sorting through all this stuff in my house and attic (mostly the attic) and storing what I'd like to keep. A lot of stuff is getting thrown out. It's a difficult task to go through twenty years of accumulated things that were set aside "just in case I need that someday." I'm not a hoarder, but just have put a lot of things away that I really didn't need to hang onto. Can't wait for big junk pick up day.

Nice pics of all the chickens and the new babies!

Don't know about all this bug raising. Kinda creeps me out. Not something I could do. It's all I can do just to pick up the dried meal worms to give to the chickens.
Guy do you have a tip to keep the dogs from eating eggs? I am close to buyin a roll out nesting box just to stop the stupid dog. Every effort we have made has failed. I can have eggs gathered in a carton. I sat it down & he grabs it & runs!

i've heard of people blowing the egg out and filling it with tobasco, it only takes once- haven't tried it

Quote: i can do mealies, and other critters- but roaches...nope- we were stationed in hawaii, they encourage gekkos to live in the houses to take care of the bugs- can't deal with those roaches....
upcdayz, I hope you feel better. I get a headache about every 2 yrs and I've had one now for like a week. So I wonder if there's some low-grade flu thing going around or something.
Robin, I'm reading about the roaches and they need like 90 degrees to breed. They can't fly, jump or climb so they don't escape even without a cover. Even if they do they wouldn't be able to breed in a house because it isn't warm enough for them. They're actually kind of cool and I'm really kicking myself for not paying enough attention all this time when Kass was talking about them.
Here's one of the pet quality OEGB I got from Jarvis's, does anyone know what color she is? Maybe Carl will hop on and let me know. She's just a little darling, chatters non-stop at me and is 1/2 the size of my Serama boy.
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