***OKIES in the BYC III ***

You hatch out 400 chicks a week and don't sell any chicks!!!! How many chickens do you have? What do you do w/ 1600 chicks a month????
I keep a few, start culling at hatch, then every week after that for things I want to eliminate. the rest get raised out, picked through and some are kept others go all over the country.
I have some headed to Brittian and Ireland later this year. sent some to South Africa last year.
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fair wind,
were you the one looking for cages? what kind of cage are you looking for? I have 3 I have been using in the brooder building that have poop trays 1x1 welded wire and 1/2x1 floors I can let go of.. I am just east of Tecumseh.

Boy am I glad today is over! Just finished washing the first bird a few minutes ago~ DD is out looking over the rest & cleaning them up. Trying to decide if we will wash the other male or just wipe him down. It's too cold for this & I worry about them!

Anyone have big plans for tonight??

Boy am I glad today is over! Just finished washing the first bird a few minutes ago~ DD is out looking over the rest & cleaning them up. Trying to decide if we will wash the other male or just wipe him down. It's too cold for this & I worry about them!

Anyone have big plans for tonight??

Making Tacos.. its easier than anything else.. No big plans, got everything cleaned today, and almost ready to adjust some breeder pens for even better stuff for fall shows. Might have a refreshing cold beverage or two relax for a change.
How are the little guys doing? Calming doen good I hope. I assume Madison is doing good too?

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