***OKIES in the BYC III ***

One thing that I like about Bermuda is that it holds sandy soil very well and is worth nearly as much as Alfalfa when put into bales. Crab makes good hay too and there are a lot of farmers around here planting crab in the Wheat fields to get a hay crop after cutting the wheat and to keep soil erosion down. Crab doesn't choke out the Wheat and it will survive a good discing.

A guy I knew said to space garden rows far enough apart to mow between. There are some things that can be planted as a living mulch. They will help modulate soil temp and also hold moisture due to their shading effect.

I don't plant in rows at all I intensive plant and use the plants themselves as living mulch. I also interplant several kinds together. Like tall things then plant a shorter something that likes a little extra protection from the hot sun just to the east of the tall one. When my beds are finished getting through them is an exersice in advanced yoga, but it keeps me young and flexible! lol
I love pickled eggs. Especially the ones done in the gallon jars that were occupied previously by Polish Sausages.
Looks like those in Central and Ne Ok. need to stay weather aware. Ksane there is a storm just to your SW headed your way. Saying hail and strong winds.

I can hear the thunder. Crap, I'm getting really tired of the cold and wet. Am I going to make it til spring???
I can hear the thunder. Crap, I'm getting really tired of the cold and wet. Am I going to make it til spring???

Your beet eggs have given me an idea for kids. I'll have to experiment a little if it works like it is in my head I'll post some pics.
And yes-chickens love bermuda, so do I. I wish I could get it started here again, the seeds are so expensive. The miniature horse, donkey and sheep I had the past few yrs killed every bit of it. I've only got the 1 sheep left but still no grass.
The easiest and cheepest way I have found yet to start bermuda and get it nearlt drought resistant is simply to buy a bale of bermuda hay and till it in. You can't really kill the bermuda and truning it with a tiller will break it up into smaller pieces that will set roots deeper and grows very well. A small square of bermuda is not much and will start a small yard very quickly.. Just break up the bale, turn it into the soil and water every other day in a week you have the starts of green shoots and a good lawn.
Thanks! I absolutely hate beets. This looks pretty, but just the thought of eating it scares me lol. Good to know about the vinegar shells. I will try that soon as I start getting more then two eggs
every other day.
Wow! I want to live with your chickens! That's a great job, you've got the nicest looking coop!
And I do agree the black shirt looks better, I'm going to buy one either way so I honestly don't care on the color.
I could only find pint jars at Walmart so I couldn't put much in each on-a few eggs, onion stalks, slices of onions, slices of cucumbers & green peppers & some beets. I figure each jar will be good for a snack instead of cookies or candy :) I'm the only one that will eat them anyway. They're so pretty! I hope they taste good.
For the record-chickens love the rubbery shells off boiled eggs after they've soaked in vinegar for a day.
That's one nice sauna/hen house. I think it's going to be bug free with all that cedar paneling.

The wind nearly took us off the road a few times today. I think this storm is going to hit us pretty hard.

Kass - I usually put strawberries out late in March. I've got my planting calendar out and it's telling me to plant strawberries between the 18th and 24th of March. I'm putting my onions and carrots out during the last week in March, some time between the 25th and the 31st. What variety of strawberry are you planting? I need to make wire cages to cover my berry plants this season. The bunnies ate everything. They dug under the wire fence and helped themselves to the garden. I'm going to put an electric wire up to try to keep the bunnies out. The cages are to keep the birds off the plants. I think the wild birds were the clean up crew, after the bunnies were stuffed.
Is it safe to put out onion sets yet?

When can I put out strawberries?

These are both new to me this year.

Yes, you can plant onions now. I always plant mine in mid-late February. The strawberries can be planted now, but it might be best for them to wait another few weeks.

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