***OKIES in the BYC III ***

i,m irish and redneck, you look up my dress and i'll punch in the throat!
A few pics from the yard today.

These are a green that has been growing all winter in the garden it is flowering now. I don't know what the green is it was in a mixed seed pkt. We didn't like the taste but the chickens did.

Cool little bug

One of the first daffy's of the year.
Not touching that one! Jims comment on his dress.

It's been cool outside so I've been working on taxes again. Goal is to have everything ready to go to the accountant by March 1.
In addition: Laundry is done, cows have been checked...no babies today, eggs gathered, chickens fed, dogs fed and taken out, hubby is in the recliner watching the news...I'm taking a break. Whew!

Nice photos Kass
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I hit the submit by accident before I was finished

Crappy pic, but one of the broccoli I have been harvesting from all winter

And of course no yard pics would be complete w/o a couple of the girls.
Today has been windy and rainy. I hope we have a bit of sunshine tomorrow. I've got another group of babies that need to move from the brooder to an outside pen. I took advantage of the storms to get some seeds started inside. I hope to see green peppers, snap peas, tomatoes, and brussels sprouts making an appearance in a couple weeks.
My cuckoo hens are egg laying machines this week! DH checked all the coops this morning at 8, no eggs except from one guinea and my blue splash maran. Then tonight he checks and there 5 eggs in the Feather foot Cuckoo Maran pen!!!! Now mind you I only have 4 feather foot cuckoo marans in there and one is a rooster! Plus one laid an bonus egg, she laid one like this the other day but it got broke so I didn't get a picture. I didn't realize they would lay more than one egg per day but these girls laid 4 eggs on Sat.

Here is a picture of a typical cuckoo maran egg and then the "bonus" egg.

Today has been windy and rainy. I hope we have a bit of sunshine tomorrow. I've got another group of babies that need to move from the brooder to an outside pen. I took advantage of the storms to get some seeds started inside. I hope to see green peppers, snap peas, tomatoes, and brussels sprouts making an appearance in a couple weeks.

I planted onions....when and with what do you fertilize them?

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