***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Bo - I haven't seen your Cochins in person but have heard that they're beautiful. Hopefully I'll get to see and maybe win some of them at the next auction you go to. Your location is stated as S.E. Oklahoma. Whereabouts? Are you familiar with the Crowder area?

I am having computer problems today. Looks like a trip to a computer fix-it place is in the near future.
Been working with Toulouse Geese for over 6 years and in that six years I have gotten only 3 goslings to hatch and survive to maturity, discouraging to say the least. This past fall I sold all the buff toulouse back to the original owner and I kept only a pair of gray toulouse. These are the heavy, deep keeled toulouse with dewlaps, the only toulouse recognized by the APA standard. Well this year with only a pair to work with and the goose not laying as well as she has the past three years I have 10 goslings hatched and growing well and four more eggs due to hatch next week that the old goose is incubating herself. I am so thankful that this has been a good year, my goal was six goslings and WOW did the Lord bless. If all goes well I should have a few to sell this fall at shows I attend in Oklahoma. I have about 300 large cochins and about 100 bantam cochins hatched along with 50 or so large barred rocks. Been a good year so far, I hope everyone else has been equally blessed.

here is one of my LF cochins from joes eggs- he is really big and a sweet tempered fella

and one of the new hatchlings- makes coral a grandma...LF Barred Rock and bantam lemon blue cochin
Bo - I haven't seen your Cochins in person but have heard that they're beautiful. Hopefully I'll get to see and maybe win some of them at the next auction you go to. Your location is stated as S.E. Oklahoma. Whereabouts? Are you familiar with the Crowder area?

I am having computer problems today. Looks like a trip to a computer fix-it place is in the near future.
I am just a few miles west of Idabel, OK and yes I am familiar with Crowder. Not too many places in this great state I haven't been and nowhere else in the world I would live. What variety of cochins are you interested in??? Thanks for the compliments, the birds belong to the Lord, I just tend them for Him.

I have only hatched three brown red chicks this year and since they are still experimental they still throw sport colors like light brown of which I have one out of the three hatched this year. I have three mature males that vary in color intensity from too much to not enough. The best male I ever raised was in 2005, he had excellent top color and crisp breast lacing and I never got a chick out of him. Brown reds can be produced by breeding black males to recessive white females which will produce, willow legged whites, blacks that molt to white in the 2nd year (these have good yellow legs) and the brown reds. The first generation will not have good color intensity and the females will have black heads with hackle lacing and very little breast lacing but when bred together they'll produce males of good color. The females take a few more generations to get the color right. right now I have one old hen (7) from an original black x white mating and she is still laying but for how long I don't know. There is one other fellow on the east coast that raises true brown red cochins LF but I am not sure how many he has or if he even has them anymore.
I currently raise black, white, blue, partridge, brown red, mottled, buff and working on restoring the brown cochin.
I should have some young birds to bring to the Newcastle sale in about a month or so, no brown reds but some blacks, blues, mottleds, whites, buffs and partridge with some bantam black and birchen thrown in the mix.
Please let us know right before the auction. I'm not missing out on your birds this time.
Robin, the Silver Laced boy is adorable :) I ended up with a total of 4 Silver Laced and 2 Gold Laced. I'm eyeballing Bo's Mottleds and Buffs now

How old are your Silver Laced now?
(PSI have 3/4 g of Oxine if you want it).
With the bared rocks tonight they were at the end of the bird line up, most were bare back & there being 50+ hens didn't help. They looked good aside from the bare backs. Would have been a bargin for someone wanting layers.

Lynn I will let you know if she wants to part with some. Think there was over 100 there all day to maybe 2 wks old tops. The box she picked has one that looks black. The rest are blue. Appear to only be a few days old & look like they are LF.

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