***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I think I am one of the few holdouts on the Okie forum who doesn't want to incubate eggs, doesn't like broody breeds (when they're broody), has a strict no-rooster policy, and is basically just no fun that way. But I have a hen who went broody a couple of days ago, and I saw Greybear mention that he has fertile eggs, so I am thinking I may get some of those and stick them under the hen just to try it.

By the way jcatblum - the 16 keets I got from you and your very helpful DD the Hatcher-Girl at POOPS are doing great and growing quickly. You are right about them moving faster than chicks - it was obvious after I sat and watched them awhile that keets are masters of time travel over short distances. They can be in one place on second and will disappear, then reappear instantly across the brooder. Since I have long suspected that guinea fowl are poultry from an alien planet, I can accept this.
Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. I got home last night to a full hatch going on. I even had one guinea hatched 3 days early!!! I can't believe we even hatched any, I have 2 more pipped. We ended up with 34 chicks hatched out of todays hatch. Then set another 3 1/2 dozen eggs today. Jack's little banty cochins are little fertile mertiles! He has had over a dozen chicks hatch out of that pair in the last 3 weeks. He had 3 hatch today and 3 more moved to the hatcher and 4 others hatched out this last week. I told him he is going to have to sell some of the chicks we can't keep them all, lol.

Love seeing all the pictures everyone is posting! Love that a-frame with the grill lid, that is awesome! I love those great free finds.

Nana hubby finished the little trio's A-Frame today they were so happy to move out of their little quarentine coop spot to a spot where they can scratch in fresh grass. I can see they are going to be 3 very spoiled birds.

It was great to see so many BYC faces at the auction last night. I wanted to stay to get some of those barred rock hens but I was beat, and it is so hard to get up for church when we stay at the auctions late. Of course I say that we are looking forward to next week. Hubby will be busy helping a neighbor so it will just be me if I make the trip.

Well off to bed I go, 5 AM will be here much earlier than I expect.
I think I am one of the few holdouts on the Okie forum who doesn't want to incubate eggs, doesn't like broody breeds (when they're broody), has a strict no-rooster policy, and is basically just no fun that way. But I have a hen who went broody a couple of days ago, and I saw Greybear mention that he has fertile eggs, so I am thinking I may get some of those and stick them under the hen just to try it.

By the way jcatblum - the 16 keets I got from you and your very helpful DD the Hatcher-Girl at POOPS are doing great and growing quickly. You are right about them moving faster than chicks - it was obvious after I sat and watched them awhile that keets are masters of time travel over short distances. They can be in one place on second and will disappear, then reappear instantly across the brooder. Since I have long suspected that guinea fowl are poultry from an alien planet, I can accept this.
Dont do it, once you start hatching it is an addiction. You will drive far and wide just to find hens that are setting so you can get your hatching fix. Then before you know it you will buy an incubator. You will start small, like the little styro jobs at tractor supply. But anyone can tell you, tho they seem harmless, they are a gateway incubator. You will be scanning craigslist late at night looking for the big cabinet models. You will move closer to people like Carl that hatchs hundreds of eggs, just so you can visit and inhale that fuzzy dust that comes out of the bator. I will put you on our watch list. Please be carefull.
Oldcowboy do you no the num. wer u bot the feed i was reading about if so please txs me ...Ksane i sold out of all my cochin's an traded the last few for goat's tonight. The only one's i have left r bard bantum's i got at the sale i think they came from mj..
Well my NN cockerel has proven his self. We found this surprise when we got home from frontier city. He is red with a hint of blue. He was unexpected to say the least!

We enjoyed the nice weather today, was perfect for a day at the park. Tomorrow I will be busy with chores since we were in OKC all day.
Hope everyone had a great weekend
Good Very Early Mornin' Everyone!

Taking off today for my birthday I'm thinking that I'm gonna make a tradition of this LOL I think after a certian point you should just not have to work for someone else on your birthday :)
Today should be hatch day for the 95 eggs in the hatcher I am also thinking that the humidity may be too high, I put in a different hygrometer and it's showing maxed out where the other 2 are showing 72 and 80% so kinda a big gap in % I don't know which is right but I have had some issues so thinking that since this one is reading over 100% I'm betting it is kinda high, I don't know how to fix it at this point since it's hatch day but I'll look at trying to reduce the level for the next hatch and see how that goes...
Been a busy weekend I didn't make the sale on Saturday kinda wish I had sounded like I missed a good chance to pick up some BR hens for a good price, Well I hope all you Mothers out there had a great Mom's day and everyone had a good weekend besides, I'm gonna make the most out of my 3 days off and be constructive again tomorrow, See you fine chicken peeps later on...:)
Happy birthday, Bill! I hope you enjoy your special day and have lots of babies to hatch.

Traci, I love the grill rainguard! Around here, we do a lot of that stuff, too. My friend Chrissy calls it "do-whatting"; you do what you can with what you got.
I make nest boxes out of empty detergent containers. I buy liquid detergent in those big plastic jugs that are square and flat. Once they are emptied, the large ones are the perfect size if you cut out the side and lay them flat. All of my silkies hatched their babies in them and they worked perfectly. Not to mention they are easy to clean and sanitize!

I agree that incubating is addictive. I can't wait for one hatch to finish before I'm looking forward to the next one.

Okieridge, congrats on the hatch! That's great. We had to make a trip to Missouri this past weekend to attend a wedding. Friday, when I was getting everyone situated and taken care of, I noticed that my broody's eggs were pipping. I missed the due date somehow. the coop is about 3 1/2 feet off the ground and I was afraid to leave them in there for fear the chicks would fall out, so I carefully moved the entire nest to a crate in the barn. I knew it wasn't going to work, but had to try. Of course, Mama broody bailed off the nest and went berserk and refused to get back on the eggs. I finally just brought the eggs into the house and put them under the heat lamp. I had just enough time to make sure it was maintaining the right temp. before we had to leave. I moistened the shavings I had put down to help keep the humidity up and prayed for the best. When we left, one was hatched, five were pipped, and I could hear movement in the seventh egg. I just knew I had ruined the hatch, but I came home yesterday to seven healthy babies. I guess Someone was watching over those eggs!!!

Christina, that is a very cute baby. How did you end up with a totally unexpected chick?

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