***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Nanakat, the chickies are adorable, that is going to be quite a "snow storm" during molting. lol But I Love the "chicken dog" wish I could have that kind of harmony.
Got my three NN's from the mailman today. They are so pretty and healthy. I just can't believe they were in that box coming through the mail for almost three days!

NN chicks are extra cute - later they are not so much, but they are great birds. I saw some NNx LF chchins once. Now those were "unique"!

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I took some pictures of Samson and Delilah's babies And the Blues from Bo Garrett....

Samson and Delilah came from Carl. He is the Lavendar roo and she is the blue hen These hatched 4/18

This is Chick 1 and I think it will be a roo. It has one black feather on its wing.

Chick 2 is smaller and has a very light lavendar hue all over and a few darker feathers...may be a splash pullet

And chick 3 is darker and while there are feathers on the middle toe, they aren't quite as full as the siblings..

And then these are the babies from Bo Garrett's Blue Cochins. Bo, you'll have to tell me what you think. They hatched 4/30

Not sure the variety on this one....black with white feathers.... 2 pictures. Could this one be mottled blue?

Then Red counting noses on the Garrett Cochins and a few older chicks. Some of these are going to be almost navy blue...

Rebecca...there will definitely be some roos in this bunch....remember, I promised you one.
I just love Red.
Love those feathered legs and feet too!
My LF Buff girl went broody, sitting on 7 of her own eggs.
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He is definitely a character. He and his buddy run free range here for the most part. I lock them up at night, but during the day they go wherever they want, although they pretty much stay in the breezeway of the barn. And, Sam never eats until he's sure his friend has found the food. It's cute watching them. He talks to her all the time and never leaves her side. The other chickens don't even exist as far as he's concerned. I have a silky roo I let out sometimes during the day, too, and that bugger wants to fight everything walking, but he's never bothered Sam. I don't question these things; I just smile and go on.....
They were meant to be together. This would make a good children's book.
Had my first real exploding egg tonight. Was locking down eggs & a turkey egg rolled into the edge of the tray. Sounded like a gun shot. I even had egg on my PJ's. DH came asking what in the world happen. And the smell was AWFUL! I had candles the eggs a few days ago & I am wondering if that egg got missed or what. Hatching & raising birds is always an experience!
DH & I are off in the AM for a couple of days away. Hope the kids will be able to tend to the farm with the help of my sister. Taron was greatly worried we were locking down eggs before I left. I told her they would still hatch if I wasnt there to watch them & I would be back in time to take them out of the hatcher with her.

Who plans on making it to Blanchard? Guessing there will be more chicks this time since there wasn't an auction last wk. I am sure we will manage to find something we need while we are there.
We gave all the birds an extra water tonight & the ducks clean water in there pond. Going to be HOT the next few days!
Good night all!
Am posting so I can find my place the next time I get on - and a note to myself to start catching up on p.3092.

I have spent the past couple of weeks with a friend who has cancer - she was in the hospital for many days and just went home to be on hospice care last weekend. My thoughts and prayers to all of you who have family and friends who have been diagnosed with disease.

Greybear Lynn - thanks for your call today. I wish I could meet you and Teach and old*cowboy Saturday at the Guy Rose auction - sounds like tons of fun and it would be good to see Teach again (and you, and even Guy!)

One of the broody hens (splash Ameraucana) I put some of the eggs under isn't that good of a broody. She doesn't seem to realize that the eggs need to be UNDER her and she should cover them all. I have her in a hutch with food and water, but the other night I left the hutch door open, thinking if she wanted she could get out and would go back... I found her the next morning in a nest box in the hen house - not on her nest of eggs. I put her back on her nest and am praying she wasn't off long enough to damage the hatch...will candle this weekend and see what I can see. The other hen (Light Sussex) is serious about her job, so I have better hopes for her hatch. I put the Production Reds and RIRS and the one NN egg under her, and the Ameraucanas and Brown Leghorns under the splash. This is my first time hatching and I'm trying not to stress over it too much...! I know I will be able to quit any time.

jcat - the keets are doing great - I intended to take them out to my folks this coming weekend, but with everything going on here with my friend Laura, I pushed my trip out to the Panhandle to the following week. The keets are getting big enough to fly up to the top of their hutch. Their hutch is in a chain link kennel that is wrapped about 3.5 feet up from the ground with chicken wire, and the top is covered with chicken wire and a tarp. I hope they grow too big to get through the 2.5 feet of chain link before long - so far so good.

Okay - see you all soon - miss you, everyOkie.
Good night.
Gotta brag for a minute. I sent 20 hatching eggs to a BYCer in NY, they all arrived intact (my first time ever to send eggs, and never even recieved any), and she candled them today and 19 are developing, WOOO Hoooo Oreo is covering 17 girls and all the eggs are fertile, go Oreo! lol
whoo hooo and yu didn't have to pluck feathers to get the fertility!!!!

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