***OKIES in the BYC III ***

quick question- have a young pullet that i found under the porch, gasping, i have tried to get her to drink electrolytes, and have watered her down- anything else i can do for her??
has anyone or does anyone use a nipple water system? pros? cons?
We use buckets with nipples and I love em. Keeps their water cleaner and they have had no problems adjusting to them. We were going to run PVC and have one large bucket or maybe a tub for water but we didn't want to have to worry about keeping heat to it during the winter.
aww how cute, its cute when the little think there bad, its like the chihuahuas of birds, lol
LOL we have one D'uccle that is full grown (also have two chicks but they are still small) That big roo thinks he is all it and then some. He definitly fits that chihauhua description! LOL He tries to flog me if he thinks I'm not paying attention. We had to move him from the laying hen coop because he was ticking the hens off by his "man moves" haha. They almost kicked his hinney for him one day. Figured we better move him before they take him out one night!
I got canceled right before they put me under. Had me on the gernie with IVs in and everything. Flet like the condemned killer gettin a stay of exicution right before they pushed the button. Only I was much more ****** than the above mentioned guy. My whole week has been messed up do to having to stop several of my pills and giving myself lovanox shots in the stomach etc etc. After they hooked me up to the IV and got me ready to wheel in, I went to sleep. Woke up and a man in scrubs was standing by me and I thought, holy crap, Im done already. I was wrong. Seems like they only own one set of tools they can cut on your head with and some body didnt get them cleaned proper. Guess they couldnt clean them again to keep me from having to go thru this crap again but what the heck. What else would I have to do anyway. Ahhhhhhhh

Don't you love drs. So did they reschedule you for this week?

Does anyone know what this plant is?

Kass beat me to it, but we had a long lengthy conversation on this thread a few months ago about eating poke. Just boil it unless you want to um... get cleaned out :p

Just killed my first in house scorpian..... ******. I don't mind spiders in the house long as it's not a brown, but I hate scorpians in the house.

Missing 4 young guineas. Came in wondering what happened and DH said there were some that couldn't figure out around the fence the other night when I wasn't home and he just left them out
Then tried to explain to him, just cause they are stupid doesn't mean they deserve to die....... that conversation got me no where.......
Don't you love drs. So did they reschedule you for this week?

Kass beat me to it, but we had a long lengthy conversation on this thread a few months ago about eating poke. Just boil it unless you want to um... get cleaned out :p

Just killed my first in house scorpian..... ******. I don't mind spiders in the house long as it's not a brown, but I hate scorpians in the house.

Missing 4 young guineas. Came in wondering what happened and DH said there were some that couldn't figure out around the fence the other night when I wasn't home and he just left them out
Then tried to explain to him, just cause they are stupid doesn't mean they deserve to die....... that conversation got me no where.......
Here's a good medical link to poke weed http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002874.htm it will do more than clean you out...

Scorpions in the house do stink...but you should leave them outside the house...used to kill every one I saw...then found out they eat brown recluse spiders as a main diet. Out of the two beast, I'll take a scorpion any day.
Here's a good medical link to poke weed http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002874.htm it will do more than clean you out...

Scorpions in the house do stink...but you should leave them outside the house...used to kill every one I saw...then found out they eat brown recluse spiders as a main diet. Out of the two beast, I'll take a scorpion any day.

That was the conversation we had on here some people only boil them once for those benefits :p The more cautious thoroughly cook them. One of my girls ate some of the berries off a plant at our old place
fortunately she was fine. She didn't eat enough to cause any problems.

I don't mind any buggy critters outside.... well except flies and mosquitos...... but in the house I'm picky. I like wolf spiders, but everything else must die
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That would be about right. They did assure me I would get the first available spot. I have only been on a list for 5 months (they had to put me on hold till they got the heart thing under control) So now I wonder how long to wait till I get to go thru it all again.

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