***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I am watching a show on KETA (formerly OETA) about wild ducks. Watching those wood ducklings bail out of a tree 70 feet above the ground is astonishing. (and we worry about chicks falling 4 feet out of the nest box
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Man, I really got behind :-O I did get the 4x8 Sebright 'cottage' done though. Well, my husband helped. There's 5 Sebrights and a little Black Quail OEGB in with them, they were all hatched & raised together by the lady I got them from. That little OEGB is stealing my heart! The sweetest chattiest little thing.
I've got this 3'x5' iron cage and (get this) it's EMPTY <shudder!> I'm looking for some finches to put in it because as we all know it's just eating at me to have a perfectly good EMTPY cage. I love how finches sound and I want a bird that prefers their own company and does *not like to be held. I don't want my little Serama to have to share his attention. That would make for a very tiny grouchy rooster.
Does anyone here breed or have finches? Diamond Doves would be another option. I'm going to look around on Cragislist.
Oh Mitzi!!! Such pain you must be experiencing an empty cage & nothing to go in it!

The predators have been bad the past couple days at our house. Friday night the coyotes sounded as if they were out front in my garden. I hear them everynight but never so close. DH fired a few shots & things got quiet. We did have 2 guineas disappear. No sign of attack. But I am certain the animals are all trying to eat well before the cold sets in.

My surgery is rescheduled for the 28th, thankful it gives me more time to prepare. Hopefully this time it isn't postponed.
You know how you can see a snipit of the last post on the place where you click to get to the actual thread (love my command of the techno jargon???? ) well my heart just sank for ksane when I saw someone consoling her for her empty cage, until I got to the actual post and realized it was built empty, and not empty for tragic reasons.
Hey Okies!! Anyone from NW Oklahoma??

Well due to the oil boom I have relocated to Enid but I don't get on very much anymore. that's the SW corner of NW. LOL

still alive and kickin' and averaging way too many hours weekly to get on the computer. Just came home today to move some appliances North.
Land and rent prices are crazy high and it looks like for the near future there is no end in sight.

Even at 52 I find myself getting homesick for our place here, listening to all of the critters and watching them through the day and hearing the Coyotes howl at night. 15 more payments and this place will be free and clear and I'm sure that I can rustle up enough work to keep food on the table and pay the bills.

Well I'd better get loaded and head that way. Later ya'll !!!!
The incubator is up and running at the moment just call, I am currently setting eggs everyother sunday to keep hatches a little further apart during the winter.
For showmanship have her read the standard for the breed very well and help her understand it. questions are often related to the breed standard, or parts of the bird sometimes both. You will also want to work with the bird on a tabletop preferably with a treat held in the hand to keep the bird posed well.
Thank you..
I will pull this out and see what we can do and are you putting eggs in today or next sunday?

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