Okies in the BYC The Original

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That would be something handy to have in your desk, for days like today when it is almost as cold inside the office as it is outside (at least for those of us who work in old State buildings)
Is your throat feeling any better?

It feels a lot better and I only had to drink 2 cups of hot tea w/ honey.
No really, I have been keeping p with taking my meds. I have a tendency to forget simple things like that.
I have been coughing really bad now though. I am still getting hoarse in the evening, but I can deal with that. I'm sure the kids are enjoying it. I can't yell at them as often.
Thank you for asking.

Well, to help your vocal cords heal faster (have the swelling go down) avoid yelling and whispering. Both of those cause the vocal cords to get closer together, which irritates them further. Just try talking in a normal tone of voice - of course a megaphone might help them hear your soft, raspy voice.
Yup! He knows y'all like me more...he just can't admit it! Besides...we have silkies at our house! and a couple odd ball poof heads...ducks included

I am on the day shift!
Well I'm headed to bed. Gotta get up early in the morning and work the second job, since I will be missing Thursday. We have our town meeting and a special committee meeting tomorrow evening. As soon as they are over, I am headed to the city.
Sounds like everybody came through this new
round of weather in fairly good shape....just
MORE MUD............ We watched all those
gigantic fluffy flakes coming down....that all
melted........thankfully....just MORE MUD......

If this next round of "stuff" Thursday is like
this one was, we'll actually get to have a
local 4-H show Friday night. They have had
to cancel a couple of them already. The
chickens...and TJ...are getting a little
wrinkled looking........LOL

Gotta get in there and find somewhere to
put all the stuff I cooked today....because we
had a "major" storm coming through........
Ahhhhhhhhhhh......life in Oklahoma.......

Have a good one !
That would be something handy to have in your desk, for days like today when it is almost as cold inside the office as it is outside (at least for those of us who work in old State buildings)

That's why I am going to attempt it. I was sitting at my desk freezing today.
Good Morning.... It is 21 degrees outside here, and it feels like 10 degrees. I am not looking forward to today. I DONT LIKE THE COLD!
Im so ready for summer! We are suppose to go to Chickasha today but i dont think the roads are going to be clear enough this morning to allow it. It rained and snowed here until around 8 pm so the roads are probbly really slick this morning. I stepped outside last night about 10 pm to get something out of the car and the ground was already frozen. Every step I took all you heard was crunching.
to all that was asking about how much electricity the wind generator generates. i watched another video of autolaynes' generator and a 2 prop generated enough energy to run his shop with lights,table saw, planer,bench grinder, so they must really put out alot....the more props put out more. he shows you how to build the whole thing.minus motor and eletrical parts, all out of pvc piping, this is a really intelligent man, when putting these things together, he also shows you how to restore old batteries and how to hook them up to store energy, so check this guys website out and learn more for yourself....this is amazing folks all under 200 dollars....sorry just had to pass it on......good luck
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