Okies in the BYC The Original

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PoCo I hope your snake gets fried before it gets out! If not it will come back!

Checked setters last night at lock up and one was hatching. This morning she has 12 babys out of 13 eggs! All are OEGB except two which are EE bantams. Looks like several mille fleures and the rest are the sport OEGB. Its always fun to hatch the ees and see what colors come out. They are usually all different. One of these is white with black stripes and the other is smudged orange,yellow,and blue! Have another hen that should be hatching but isn't not for sure whats going on there.

Picked a bunch of cucumbers while it was cool out.I love being out in the early morning and watching the flocks start the day,its always a new world for them to exploremaybe we should look at it that way too! Okay enough philophising!
Okla-doodle-doo: No worries. I'm not letting an egg thief leave without reparations. I was hoping he'd get a little farther out to save me some work. It's a mystery how a snake as thick as my arm can squeeze through a one-inch wire opening. Ironically, I think it has an egg in its belly, keeping it from escaping. I guess I'm going to have to pull that monster out of the fence. DH commented on his way to work today, "Big snake, Honey. Have a nice day."
Good Morning OKLAHOMA!

Woke up a lil late this morning (7:30) due to a lil one that will be nameless that kept me up prospectively last night.

Ok here is a turkey dilema I have... Big Momma is up and rearing to go move about and she has kicked the eggs(now these are ones I candled that either had movement or looked promising) thinking she is just wanting to get out and about with the turkeys that have hatched but I am just worried that we will lose the "ducks" she has been laying on also... I believe we have another week with them before they would hatch.

Should I remove the baby turkeys during the day and place them back with her at night and see if she broods the rest of the eggs during the day?


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LOL at your husbands parting words.

Good Morning everyone! I over slept this morning & having a tough time getting moving.
It's going to be hot agian today & I am going to grandma's tonight. Tomorrow I am hanging
in the pool for the evening.....I'm thinking pizza.
Miss Cheng! Glad you found us - where in North Central OK are you?
It's time for her to leave the nest and it's doubtful she will remain on it. If you don't have an incubator to put the eggs into they could be lost. Get on the phone and call around. Somebody my have one that they are not using.
Good Morning.

Boy was it hot yesterday!

Got barn doors built. Now we just have to hang them.

Just going to take it easy today. Stay inside and do some cleaning.

Doc is off work today and tomorrow. YEAH!

Sooner - you probably get more done while you're waiting on your first cup of coffee than I do all day! I hope you get some time to relax - especially in this weather. Your hanging in the pool idea is a good one!
City- not a chance of that, I can't even add 2+2 before a half a pot of coffee. I haven't got anything done other than moving my cages that I keep broodies & babies in & I used the 4 wheeler to drag it so that doesn't count.
- Attention, everyone -

Monty has asked me to keep up with out Oklahoma poultry swap and auction thread. The problem is, anything I did to update the original thread would have to be on the last post. So I created a new thread, that will soon be linked in my signature line below each of my posts. This way I will have the first post of the thread and can keep it edited (updated).

Now, what I need from all of you is information! Please look over my new thread and let me know any important missing or incorrect information.
And you can also subscribe to the new thread if you like
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