Okies in the BYC The Original

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Hi all! Still the new egg here, but wanted to check in. I got the hatching bug and went down to the local feed store and bought me a LG still air incubator yesterday! I got it set up last night and have been tweaking with the temp and humidity ever since. The temp is staying between 99 and 100 and the humidity is around 30%, but I remembered I need to take out one of the vent plugs, so I'll be tweaking with it a couple of more days before I can set any eggs in there. I've got 6 welsummer eggs on their way and my Pekin duck eggs too...I'm so excited to give it a try...I'm praying for a good result. I'm starting out with a small group until I feel more comfortable with it.

I spent Monday evening raking out the coop and doing general housekeeping in there. My ducks have been laying everyday now and at least two of my three hens are laying again too. Don't have a roo so I can't play with my chicken eggs in the bator.

Today was a gorgeous day!! Welcome Spring!

Hi all,
I had seven out of twelve eggs hatched today and one was still coming out of the shell, under the broody hen, I am very happy,
have others in the incubator of a friend and they will start hatching soon too!!! Welcome to the new comers and join in all the fun,
Man was it nice out today, and I got a lot done but as usual didn't get to all on the list, will start earlier tomarrow!!!!
From what I've been reading here, the duck eggs need a higher humidity. Some say you can't incubate them together with the chicken eggs because of this, and some say you just have to mist the duck eggs...I'm not sure if I'm going to try them together or not....still more reading to do here in the next few days! I haven't posted very much since coming on board, but I've surely been spending 90% of my online time reading hundreds and hundreds of posts!!

OOPS!! I forgot to welcome the new folks as well. HOWDY! Put rocks in your pockets the wind is strong!

Creation vs. Evolution - Yup...I am an intellectual type to a degree...well actually a couple of them now
...I have this to say on the issue...I don't teach the concepts until I get kids in junior and senior level classes...until then they don't have enough knowledge or maturity in my view to cover such a subject. I make them do research and then we discuss what they find. That is the intellectual school side. I have taught a Bible study on this very issue and would recommend The New Answers Book by Ken Ham. A day is the same now as it was then 24 hrs. I have no problem believing that and no doubt that anything can be accomplished in that amount of time. From a purely scientific point of view evolution as taught by "the books" doesn't follow scientific principles. Way too big for here but catch me at POOPs. I would love to splain it to you!
Richard, whether you have Oklahoma roots, plan on visiting Oklahoma, have relatives in Oklahoma or are just "lost", welcome to the Oklahoma thread on Backyard chickens.
I'm pretty quiet too, I guess its my shyness coming out even online. I read though, tons, and tons. I am working on making myself post to get over the shyness, lol, I am really a talker when I get started!
I've got a question for people who hatch ducks. I know the books say to keep ducks at a higher humidity.

BUT ....

How come people can put duck eggs under a chicken and they hatch? I don't think a setting chicken will suddenly release more humidity because of their duck eggs. You know they don't turn them any different, or get off for longer periods either.

So my big question is:

Do the duck eggs really need to be treated any different other than incubated for longer?
Just my ideas here on Duck eggs. I am incubating duck eggs right along with my chicken eggs, Candled one of the duck eggs and it is coming right along real good. Ive spoken to people online that have hatched out duck eggs and they said really no need to treat them any different except for a week longer.
EngieKisses - Nobody bites here. Well, I haven't been bit by anyone. I can vouch for Grace (Graceful Bantams), Carla & Gerald (okcarla). So, you sit back and enjoy yourself with the Okies. The worst they will do is ignore your comments.

Lynn & dachsunds - Congrats on your fuzz balls hatching. And I'm sending more hatching vibes your way, Lynn to help the others get out.

Sonya - Welcome to the BYC Okies!

luvs2garden2000 - Makes me happy to hear someone back up my duck egg theory. Especially since I have white mallard eggs in the bator right now...

I am still wondering if anyone here has hatched Emu eggs before. I cannot imagine a "chick" at the size it must be to come out of those eggs. I have found they need to incubated at 97 degrees for 50 days. It is somewhat scary to think of hatching a bird that would probably grow taller than me and live for 30-35 years. I might have to include it in my will? Then all of my family would think I was a bird brain...
Howdy Richard

Hay - Poultry and Bees! Just making sure I told you that I will take at least four of your bunnies come POOPs time! I will have two good cages available and will fix the other one. Will try and 'member pics tomorrow. I have have a bad time if I don't put a note in my pocket

I think that those kids are lucky to have a Nana and Bill as well! Kinda remind me of my Nana and Papa! He was a teacher of science and a man of faith. Sure hope to be half the person he was...I have a lab stool of his in my classroom. The kids know I love it and treat it with respect...kinda makes me giggle.
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